P-C, you write so beautifully. This should be a travel piece. In, like, a major magazine. The "between squalor and luxury" line was perfect.
Thank you. I really don't think it's all that great, since physical description is by far my greatest weakness, but the squalor line's my favorite. I do love it so.
I read Polter's description of the village, think of all the stuff in my house, remember I'm considered below average in income, and realize that some worlds may never meet.
Oh yeah. It really does put things in perspective. There are people who live in even worse conditions, too. And the thing is, they're perfectly happy because they don't really know what they're missing. It's the way it's always been, and they're fine.
Also, Sparky is newly tagless.
I work in a provincial immigration office. We get emails from people from around the world addressed to Dear Mr. (boss' first name). I think putting Dear Robin Lastname would be just fine.
I could probably make some pretty creepy confections. Sugar is my art, and I did once make a cake shaped like a rat, with red eyes and blood on its teeth. Getting them across the country would be a challenge, though.
Sugar is your art. You make cookies and cakes with your hands, day after day. That final chocolate chip. That look of perfection. Part of you is desperate to know: What's it taste like? Where does it lead you? And now you see, that's the secret. Not the nuts you didn't throw in or the vanilla you didn't include. Every Buffista... has a sugar wish.
P-C, I could picture the National G. photo spread. Village entrance on one of those fold-out pages. Be-autiful. Now go get your frickin' masters!
And? If I do not report back here by the end of the week that I have indeed sent off my app. to Central Az College (and have one to Northern Az Uni. in the works), y'all must spank me.
I did very meh on the SAT's. Didn't study, didn't prep, and took them on three hours of sleep. I think I got a 1290 or some such.
Gulp. This is a tough room. I got 1250 on my SAT's and was happy about it. Ah well, life is cool when you are happy being average.
life is cool when you are happy being average.
So not average, my dear. Extraordinary is more like it.
I got 1250 on my SAT's and was happy about it. Ah well, life is cool when you are happy being average.
I think I got an 1180. I can't remember what they were broken down. I also took the ACT twice and both times I got a 26.
Average is a good place to be - no one tries to knock you off of a pedestal or thinks you're a good-for-nothing. We have more fun because there's more us and no one's looking too closely anyway.
Ah well, life is cool when you are happy being average.
Nora? Average? Because of a test score?
Nope. Not buying it.
I think putting Dear Robin Lastname would be just fine.
Thanks. It's a pretty small worry compared to trying to shape his letter into something that actually makes it appear as if he is proficient in English. (I mean, he's fine. He gets his job done. He is not a writer, though, and it really shows.)
I got 1250 on my SAT's and was happy about it. Ah well, life is cool when you are happy being average.
Nora is totally me again.
I really don't think it's all that great
P-C, it's the voice I like the most. Honest and perceptive and just a bit cynical while at the same time being content ("At night, I can see the stars."). It's you all over, which is one of the hardest things to achieve in writing while still telling a good story. You could polish a few things, sure, but as a personal essay about returning to a homeplace which is and isn't home, this is awesome.