Congratulations, -t!
Another vote here for People Chow. Don't care about flavor--Rice Chex would be okay. Or peanut.
I think I'm a little hurt that whatever my tagline is, or when I change it, it's invisible to P-C.
I have to go do banking for my mom. Don' wanna.
catching up, sloooooooowly.
both my cat and my DH think I should go to bed. the fact that I want to say "you're not the boss of me" makes me think that they might be right.
I'm comm'ing this, if no one else beats me to it.
I was taught "Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally."
Which is a mnemonic for:
Please excuse my dear Aunt Sally. She tried making me learn math. She's dead now.
The Great Write Way folks thank you. (Or, perhaps, may kill you.)
Second option.
Teppy, if you could arrange to dream about Colin Firth showing up at my door, naked, with my student loan cancellation papers clenched in his pretty fist, I'd be appriciative. Thanks in advance.
You may have the student loan cancellation. Touch Colin and you die. He's my chewtoy!
-t! Woot!
I have no recollection of anything on the SATs - it was 1969, for fuck's sake - but I do know that they all went wow at the English skill stuff and the math stuff was also wow, but with a very different tone in their voices.
Deb is me...what? They say married people start to resemble each other.
I found out I have dyscalculia, though. Which often leads to scary gifted verbal ability and poor performance in math and geography.
The first time I took the SATs (in high school) I got a 670 Math and a 590 Verbal.
The second time I got a 740 Math -- and a 590 Verbal.
Tom Scola : Analogies :: Fish : Bicycle
Pregnancy test yesterday was positive. Don't tell my mother-in-law.
Wooo000Ttt, -t!!!
I do know that they all went wow at the English skill stuff and the math stuff was also wow, but with a very different tone in their voices.
I love a good snerk on my way out the door. Much obliged, deb.
If you see me in here too much, insult me till I leave.
No way. Besides are you sure you want to lose your spot on the top 20 list for 2005?
I'm like Tom, my SAT scores were 760 Math, 560 Verbal.
Yes, yay for the the little command line option baby to be!