Pregnancy test yesterday was positive. Don't tell my mother-in-law.
Wooo000Ttt, -t!!!
I do know that they all went wow at the English skill stuff and the math stuff was also wow, but with a very different tone in their voices.
I love a good snerk on my way out the door. Much obliged, deb.
If you see me in here too much, insult me till I leave.
No way. Besides are you sure you want to lose your spot on the top 20 list for 2005?
I'm like Tom, my SAT scores were 760 Math, 560 Verbal.
Yes, yay for the the little command line option baby to be!
Welcome Connie. We'll take over the world, one bath bomb at a time.
Someone make me go work. It's sitting there, waiting to be done. Blah. Don't want to.
Yep, I want to say that my verbal score was well over 100 points higher than my math. Maybe closer to 200. The math is not with me.
Oh, yeah. Lilty is me. The math has never been my friend. The answer of course was to marry an actuary.
And it appeas as if Gud is my SAT opposite.
Deena, as cold as it's supposed to get this weekend, if they can't get the part for your furnace and get it fixed so that it stays fixed, maybe your landlord should consider REPLACING the damned thing. Ima have to come up there and whup some landlord ass.
Owen likes hummus! I just say this because I didn't even know what hummus was until I was in college. He's turning out to be an adventurous little eater.