Laura, I took the SAT in seventh grade, too. One of my friends was also invited to take it, and her mother wouldn't let her, because she thought that it would be too upsetting to her daughter to get a percentile score comparing her with students five years older.
He's taking it for the CTY program? (Or what are they calling it now? IAAY? Something like that?)
Cromulent is a perfectly cromulent word, Lilty.
I have news I am burning to tell someone. Can y'all keep a secret?
I did the SAT in 7th grade thing, too. It had something to do with Duke University, I don't really remember. I did get a dictionary out of it.
Of course we can keep a secret.
t secretly sets up speed dial to known world
-t, thanks for the linky!! deb, you have all the sass and attitude in person that you have in your writing. And, you're smokin' hot!
-t, spill it!
Can y'all keep a secret?
Invisible internet secret keeping buddies are a go!
I took the SAT in the 7th grade, also. I got an 840 combined.
Pregnancy test yesterday was positive. Don't tell my mother-in-law.
Woot, -t!
(I hope that's a wootable thing for you.)