Nora! This horse! I had that horse as a little girl. And my DH refurbished it and our kids had it when they were wee. Then I think we donated it to the church nursery--I don't know where it is now. But it was fun seeing it again. I've seen orange ones and blue ones in antiques stores around here, but never the red one that I had.
Oh, but that's besides the adorable kids, and wonderfully attractive grownups. I love the ones of Tom playing on the floor with your nephew.
Hiya, Bitches.
Skimmed, but manymanyMANY hugs for {{{{Cass}}}} and {{{{billytea}}}}.
Wanders over into Beverly and Kristin's corner.
joins the lovely women
Yay! Juliana is in my corner!
I had that horse as a little girl.
I also had that horse as a little girl. It was apparently a well-traveled horse. We had it outside and wasps built a nest in it. Then my sister got on it. Much drama ensued. She is fortunately not particularly allergic, but she had many, many stings.
Welcome back, P-C. I assume we'll be getting an account of adventures in India.
Cass, I hope you'll continue to use us to help you get through this. I did the whole soulmate thing myself. To tell you how in sync I was with my ex-husband, I'll note that, after we had been married for several years, we discovered that we had made nearly identical Man From U.N.C.L.E. scrapbooks when we were kids. I eventually came to believe that he had done me a favor by leaving. I was so eager to make him happy that I lost track of what would make me happy.
Good morning, bitches!
Heh, Susan, I have the opposite. I live directly off a four-lane highway, and right across the street from the complex where the church is, so short of an earthquake rift between here and there, there's really no reason why I can't make it. Everybody else, however, comes across dirt roads, so the odds are decent that we'll be close to the only ones that show. If so, I'm coming back and going back to bed.
Anyway, glad to Sunil is back safe!
Sunil! so glad to see you back - thank you for being a great secret santa ( see the end of the year thread)
You're welcome! I'm glad you liked your gifts.
Yay for Nova!
Belated condolences for billytea. I'm sorry about your mother. You've been having a rough several months, man.
And, YAY, Polter-Cow is back! I did not change my tag the entire time you were gone because I missed you so much.
No, really, what's with the letters?
Timelies, everyone.
I'm trying to decide what to do today. Options are either studying, or cleaning my kitchen and then going grocery shopping. Neither sounds particularly appealing right now.
WTF is up with the one-letter tags? (Yes, I know the question was asked above and responded to coyly, but I just felt like throwing in my curmudgeonliness in not being in on a scheme. Bah.)
I'm a little concerned. My Early Show is scheduled from 8-10AM on Monday. They're showing a local morning show from 7-8. Is it a 2 hour show and I'll get the whole thing? Or are they chopping the first hour, in which case I might miss Deb? Arghh. Stoopid local station.
Mine, too. I'm just hoping it's delayed an hour. Or is it supposed to be a 3-hour show?
It's slushy. I probably could've gone in if I'd been sufficiently determined, but I'da been askeert of Queen Anne Hill, even though we get there via the least steep route.
At least our neighbors haven't left the house. If they'd made the 9:00 service, I'd have felt like I'd already turned into my mother.