Sorry, I must have either missed it, or known that was the answer and so your post was transparent.
It's OK. Let's just say that if Teppy's dream
about me, I hope she's the falsest of false prophets. Because, while we'd find a way to deal with it if it happened and I'm sure we'd love the kid, we're so not ready for another yet on any possible level. Insofar as it's under my control, I'd like to get Annabel pottytrained and own a house and sell a book and get our finances in better shape and have lots more of the recreational sex before we try the procreative kind again get the idea. Granted, I'm 34 now and only have so much time left on the biological clock, but if I could just get
of that done first, I'd be thrilled.
I oh so very much get the idea.
Teppy remains laconic, which is not a good look on her. It gives her triangle hair.
Also among the not-pregnant ranks here. And happy to find out that our overtime/comp time setup remained exactly as I understood it, they just wrote the directive to indicate that it wouldn't be officially kept track of and was each individual employee's duty to manage. Which is actually a nice show of trust considering the job hours and vacation policies have been reworded to seem one step shy of requiring a hall monitor pass for going to the restroom.
Very definitely not pregnant.
I had yet another encounter with my pharmacist today. I brought back the prescription that the other pharmacy wasn't able to fill yesterday. On Tuesday, she'd said, "We're not getting this one in until Friday." So, I hand her that prescription again. And she says, "We don't keep this in stock, because nobody ever asks for it." I HAVE BEEN GOING TO THIS PHARMACY AND TRYING (USUALLY UNSUCCESSFULLY) TO GET THIS PRESCRIPTION FILLED EVERY FEW MONTHS FOR OVER A YEAR. So she says she can order it, but can't call in the order until tomorrow. (I don't know why. I didn't ask why. I'm tired of explanations of pharmacy procedure.) So it won't be in until next week.
Now, this one isn't urgent, and I can wait until next week, though being able to get it Tuesday would have been better. But last time I had this one filled, she asked me whether I'd be getting it frequently, because not too many people do take it, and she wanted to know whether she should keep it in stock, and I said yes. And I really wish there were some other pharmacy I could go to, but there isn't anything else in my neighborhood.
Oh, Hil, how stupidly frustrating. Do you have the option of using a mail-order pharmacy?
Hil, that is just ridiculous. I'm so sorry you have to deal with that. My CVS is usually wonderful. I'm realizing right now how completely lucky I am for that.
I am both not-pregnant and preparing to leave for New York tomorrow. I'm a procrastinator by nature, but when it comes to packing, I do it very much on purpose. Travel always gets me excited in the most irritatingly exhausting way, so I spend the 24 hours beforehand being busy getting everything together instead of dithering. Mostly I'll just be glad not to be somewhere that's encased in ice. See you in ten days, Bitches.
OK, that's a level of incompetence that would result in me explaining to the pharmacist exactly why I'd be taking my business to a competitor in a less convenient location. And then mentioning that I would also be tracking down the owners of the chain and enlightening them about the revenue losing procedural difficulties their employees are having.
Once I figure out somewhere else to get my prescriptions filled, I will be switching over, and writing to the CVS management. I'm going to look into the prescriptions by mail thing, but I think that, last time I checked, there were some issues with getting Schedule II drugs that way.
Once I figure out somewhere else to get my prescriptions filled, I will be switching over
I'm not sure where you live but in my area we have Meijer and Walgreens pharmacies. The local hospital also has one.