From way upthread:
I know March 16-18 DF and I have to do our Engaged Encounter stuff.
Much luck with yours; ours was painful. The cool lefty diocese I belong to had hardly any EEs scheduled the spring before we married, so we had to sign up for one with the considerably stodgier San Francisco diocese, and it was many, many hours of feh.
Cringey, occasionally angry-making, mostly very very dull, and the guy leading things had a lecture script aimed mostly at baby brides and grooms, little fresh-out-of-high-school-or-possibly-(but doubtful)-college grown-up zygotes, from which script he did not deviate a jot even though fully half the room was solidly over 30 and about a quarter of the couples looked to be at or past 40.
The couple in their fifties nearly sprained something rolling their eyes forever and biting their tongues during the loooooonnnnnnng, dull Natural Family Planning--It's Totally Different From The Rhythm Method, With Mucus Plug Checking And All That Woo-Woo, And The Ladies Love It 'Cause They're Closer To The Earth, And Aren't We Just Progressive As Fuck! Except We're Not! speech.
ION, I met libkitty last night! She is funny and snarkful and has lovely large expressive eyes and very cool glasses (and also passed out genuine Alaskan candy -- Polar Bear Smooches), and Sparky picked out a truly rocking restaurant for all of us.
Plus, there was tiramasalata -- very much not to be confused with tiramisou, though not entirely dissimilar; it's the salty-goodness equivalent of tiramisou in deliciousness and eyes-rolling-back rich-food happymaking. Oh so tasty.
I definitely wouldn't object to being pregnant (except that the timing would put the delivery date awfully close to Emmett's birthday, which would be dreadfully unfair to him), but, as Hec notes, I am at present not. In fact, the Communists are on the march and will likely be laying siege on Sunday or thereabouts.
TV crews and free pastries and Deb and Marty and a special guest appearance by Betsy -- what could possibly be better?
As an addendum, I'll note that my prolonged encounter with the Catholic Church soured me on them considerably. Particularly (as JZ notes) their Insane-o Crazyland attitudes about contraception and sex, which they mealymouth tap-danced around in an especially grotesque display.
I ordered Emily's big birthday present this afternoon. I just went on their website to check the order status. It's not expected to ship until "on or before" January 13. Her party's on the 15th. And they won't overnight it. I don't think it's gonna make it here. I'm all disappointed.
Okay, Tep, I think you have to tell us who the dream was about. At this point, only a few people haven't weighed in, and I think Susan is one of those.
Oh, I checked in upthread! Not. pregnant. And would be very upset if that changed anytime soon, because I'd be like Cashmere's friend--"But I had a hard time of it with the last one! And we've barely had a sex life since she was born! Not fair!"
Oh, I checked in upthread! Not. pregnant. And would be very upset if that changed anytime soon, because I'd be like Cashmere's friend--"But I had a hard time of it with the last one! And we've barely had a sex life since she was born! Not fair!"
Sorry, I must have either missed it, or known that was the answer and so your post was transparent.
Teppy's still not coughing up the answer.
Didn't Teppy do this once, about a dream that involved kissing one of us? Teppy is a dream tease.
Hey, all! I've been swamped like a crazy-swampy-monster at work, so I've been verra dark grey. I hope everyone is doing well.
deb: can't wait to see you on the teevee!
Okay, Tep, I think you have to tell us who the dream was about. At this point, only a few people haven't weighed in, and I think Susan is one of those.
I missed the post about the dream. But, I will weigh in. Not pregnant. Def. not.
I got to see Spamalot on New Year's Day. While it was quite fun and I'm in love with Tim Curry and the woman who played the Lady of the Lake, I was not overwhelmed. It was cute and fun, but not amazing.
Oh. I think it's important to note that I'm also not pregnant. Unless...nope, not possible.
Sorry, I must have either missed it, or known that was the answer and so your post was transparent.
It's OK. Let's just say that if Teppy's dream
about me, I hope she's the falsest of false prophets. Because, while we'd find a way to deal with it if it happened and I'm sure we'd love the kid, we're so not ready for another yet on any possible level. Insofar as it's under my control, I'd like to get Annabel pottytrained and own a house and sell a book and get our finances in better shape and have lots more of the recreational sex before we try the procreative kind again get the idea. Granted, I'm 34 now and only have so much time left on the biological clock, but if I could just get
of that done first, I'd be thrilled.
I oh so very much get the idea.
Teppy remains laconic, which is not a good look on her. It gives her triangle hair.
Also among the not-pregnant ranks here. And happy to find out that our overtime/comp time setup remained exactly as I understood it, they just wrote the directive to indicate that it wouldn't be officially kept track of and was each individual employee's duty to manage. Which is actually a nice show of trust considering the job hours and vacation policies have been reworded to seem one step shy of requiring a hall monitor pass for going to the restroom.