Deb, is this for FFoSM, or for the make over show?
This is the makeover show, but I get to pimp the series, and talk about how tiring touring is. They're taking me shopping at Nordstrom with a personal shopper on Sunday, and then this madness Monday morning. Betsy is spending the night, I'm hoping 'dre will as well, Jaqueline's coming, my mama in law (that's sf-marty) is coming....
Eeep. Must clean house.
I wish I could. Stupid continent.
sitting in Ginger's corner
Deb, that's so cool! Oh, I wish I could be there.
still getting my head around 4am.... go , deb!
This is one of the moments that makes me really, really happy I moved.
blah. I'm stupid. Perhaps should not post on show threads. Hate being dumb.
Eep! Nora, I hope this isn't in response to the comment I just posted up in the
thread. I don't think you're stupid at all!
Deb's gonna be in my archives, Deb's gonna be in my archives!
So. Frelling. Cool.
still getting my head around 4am.... go , deb!
No, no - half past four.
I need two more people, minimum. Anyone? Anyone KNOW anyone?
Eeep eep eep.
Why not ask your writers' group?
Woo hoo, Deb! I'd be there, except there's a large middle portion of the country separating us. You'll have to settle for my spirit.