{{{billytea}}} I'm glad your mom's funeral was what you wanted for her. And sorry your brother is such an asshat. Is there anyone here who thinks that Daniel's cousin and billytea's brother should be locked in a room together to see who would survive? Just me? Ah, well.
vw, go you! paid-off-car-lady!
Maria, nice to see you! Bummer on the IRS. I'll add my smiting to Kristin's.
IOmemeN, it took me 75 minutes to drive the 13 miles from work to home tonight. I'm exhausted. Plus, my "service engine soon" light remained on after start up and I noticed my lights dim almost out when I turn the car on. We're supposed to get between 8-12 inches of snow by tomorrow (and I think we've got 3-4 inches last night and it's been snowing on and off all day.) I'm not looking forward to having to have my car jumped in the morning, but it's possible I will have to. My car needs good car~ma right now.