Billytea, if there is anything at all I can do, name it. I just want life to stop fucking with you.
Nora and Tom -- Happy Elope-iversary!
And hot hot hot showers which are probably bad but can numb out the area before the drugs and the ice packs. Ugh, bites are ooogy.
For itchy bug bites/rash/hives, my allergist taught me this trick, which seems insane, but really works: blow hot air (from a hairdryer) on the itchiness, from a distance where you're not burning yourself. At first, the itchiness will get worse, and then it'll go away, and should stay away for a few hours. The heat overloads the itch factor.
Seriously, it works. I've done it many a time.
I'm sorry, bt. Strength and peace to you and your family.
Happy monthaversary, Nora Deirdre.
Dude! I am totally stealing this! this totally justifies my narcissi-post!
I coined a word before 10 a.m.
My work here is done.
Does that mean you get to go home now, Steph?
I haven't even started working. Well, fed the small fry and changed and got Kara to try to go potty on the toilet and thwarted Aidan's attempt to redecorate in sliced banana.... it doesn't feel like real work, though.
{{{Billytea}}} I wish there was something more we could do.
Great, Tep's already coining words and I'm still stuck on gronk.
Oooh, there's my coffee maker noise now.
it doesn't feel like real work, though.
Sure sounds like real work to me.
My coworker just lent me her Season 5 Homicide dvds. Somehow I don't think my boss will let me take the rest of the day as a "sick of waiting to see what happens to Munch et al" day. Pity. They're just sitting there, looking all grim and tempting. Like Wesley toward the end of Angel.
ETA: "They" = the dvds, not my boss and/or coworker. No one I work with bears any resemblance to Wesley at any stage of B:TVS or Angel.
EagainTA: Unfortunately.
Great, Tep's already coining words and I'm still stuck on gronk.
Hey, I'm in Tep's timezine and I'm still stuck on "gronk - bleah". At least you have the excuse of being two hours behind.....
Ack, billytea. Hope that all resolves sooner than later. I hate family "situations", and have been lucky to have had to endure only a handful.
The death of a parent can bring out the worst sometimes, unfortunately. There were a couple of doozies for me surrounding my father's death.