I'll have to try a sliced-up banana next time we have a nicely ripe one. I tried a mashed-up one instead of the Gerber puree back before she tried finger foods, and she didn't much like it, but that was months ago.
O kind of gagged at this first, but once he got the hang of bananas, he loved them. He's not really adept at picking up pieces, since they're so slippery and slimy. He likes them mixed with cereal or plain yogurt a lot.
I thought, and probably even said here, that I was going to make my own baby food because it was better for her and tasted more like adult food and was therefore better for her palate.
I've tried once or twice but I realized that Gerber's industrial kitchens are probably more sanitary than mine and baby food is very regulated in regards to contents, so I rely on the jarred stuff. It's so easy to just grab a jar out of the cupboard. And I'm all about the easy.
Sooper Seekrit Message to Susan:
You rule.
Susan, your sweeper doesn't happen to be a Dirt Devil, does it? If so? Totally not your fault.
Anyone who's watching VM- I heart rookie Leo.
Heh. Whereas I'm thinking he's
the killer,
Lilty! Cause, ya know, he mentioned
playing in a band...does he play...GUITAR?? Of course, he's also not 21, which puts a crimp in it.
OK. Dude. On the babyfood fast track whatever thing?
Jo had no teeth - that would be zero, zip, nada, zilch, rien - until she was 14 months old. Starting around eight months old or so, I would make dinner for myself and Alan and then throw a small portion into the food processor (ah, my Regal La Machine, which I still own and use!), and give her that. No choice - too many baby foods had allergens in them, not her allergies, MY allergies.
Yesterday, she introduced herself to Paul McCartney. They really are resilient little fuckers.
And I think I am as accident-prone as either Ginger or Hil. Pftphpftph.
I dunno. I've always thought any sane blood-oath was taken with eensy drops of blood from the pinky.
I live in the age AIDS, and don't read fantasy. Therefore. this sounds completely insane to me.
Anyone want Literati?
I know it, meara. And it would make me sad, therefore, it is most likely to happen. I'll do a touchdown dance if it doesn't, though.
Jo had no teeth - that would be zero, zip, nada, zilch, rien - until she was 14 months old.
And I had to have the little shark baby. Gah.
too many baby foods had allergens in them, not her allergies, MY allergies.
deb, my good friend here has an 11 month old son who's allergic to milk. Not lactose intolerant, really allergic. And they put whey in every freakin' processed food on the shelves today. I'm so glad I don't have to worry about that. But I can see a tiny glimpse of what you and Deena (with the gluten) have to deal with and it's just a huge pain in the ass.
We have no allergies at all (thank goodness) but I'm not taking any chances with the riskier items. Things like nuts, strawberries, egg whites, shell fish and honey are off the menu until Owen is past one. Two for shell fish, just in case.
But you're right. Really resilient. Not all as fab as your gorgeous girl, though. Sir Paul would make me jelly-kneed.
I never got the Paul love. I was always a George fancier. I totally envy deb the hair brushing.