it seems like everyone is surprised Annabel isn't eating more solids
When she's ready for more things, she'll let you know. And as long as she's healthy and growing, whatever you're feeding her is fine.
And with the cup, just try it from time to time. If she's not interested yet, wait a week and try again. It might not be the cup, but whether or not she's intrigued by it yet.
Oh, a trick a pediatrician friend passed on: Babies who are at the gnawing stage love pizza crusts.
I'm just feeling a little sensitive on the feeding issue because it seems like everyone is surprised Annabel isn't eating more solids.
I get this, too! And I feel like I'm stuffing him with all kinds of solids. My family is just mostly impatient to feed him pizza, I think. I have to balance out DH who can't stand to have a messy baby. He wants to feed Owen and not have the baby's hands and face covered with baby food. He wipes his face after every three bites or so and freaks out if I try to feed O in a restaurant because he thinks it's "too messy".
My MiL says he gets it from her because she can't stand a "baby yuck face" either. *sigh* I'm like, "strip 'em to a diaper and let him feed himself if he wants."
I've got baby on the brain today. I sincerely hope I'm not boring people to death. But it's nice to have Susan around to bounce stuff off of since O and Annabel are so close in age.
I'm like, "strip 'em to a diaper and let him feed himself if he wants."
Feed 'em nekkid and hose 'em off.
Cash and Connie. I had two kids in diapers (well, training pants for one) that I fed that way and then would let them into the front yard to play with the hose. We lived in Yuma, Arizona so it was virtually a year round activity. I have pictures for proof (and come to think of it, the son was nekkid.)
Feeding naked leads to pee in the food.
"strip 'em to a diaper and let him feed himself if he wants."
Yep. Witness my little cousin Aidan a couple years ago:
Feeding naked leads to pee in the food.
Why do I know that's the voice of experience?
Witness my little cousin Aidan a couple years ago
BWAH! I'm thankful I purchased one of those plastic mats to put under the high chair.
I had two kids in diapers (well, training pants for one) that I fed that way and then would let them into the front yard to play with the hose.
Definitely a summer thing here. But yeah. I'm going to do that.
Feeding naked leads to pee in the food.
Eh, their own pee ain't gonna hurt 'em.
I used to say we ought to feed 'em naked in an empty tub and just fill it up after, though. Instead, I'd give them their messiest meals (the ones I was letting them feed themselves) right before bath time.
Susan, some babies nurse exclusively for a year. One of me s-i-l's is very nervous about choking. My niece was probably on the same track as Annabel. She is gorgeous, and brilliant, and funny, and all good things, at age four.
Cheerios are a great finger food. Arrowroot cookies are great, because they can't choke. Once you're at a point where you and your doctor agree Annabel should be eating finger food, the real secret is small, irregularly shaped pieces.