There was a crazy lady on the train today. She was carrying on a very loud conversation with herself (she even had pauses as if she was listening to the other person, with the occasional "Huh?" thrown in). Other times she'd just ramble on. Like:
Tomatoes! Tomatoes Tomatoes. Texas Tomatoes. Texas Tomatoes. Earthquakes! California earthquakes. Texas Tomatoes and California earthquakes.
If I were to meet someone I had known in the past.... Or in the future. Or in the present....
The crazy people make me feel better about myself. sad but true.
is it too early for me to start the "Tonight Is Alias" chant?
Woo hoo! Spyweek starts tonight!!!
So, uh. No.
Crazy people usually just make me feel uncomfortable.
well sure, uncomfortable if I am actually there, but when just the recipient of crazy people stories - it helps add perspective to crazy.
Yech. A mixture of rain/sleet is coming down outside. Very nasty stuff. And it's freezing in my office to boot.
Kendra didn't help her "stupid as dirt" reputation any by pointing out the vomit left behind to Freddie.
That wasn't actually Kendra. Freddie said something about putting about 8 oz. back in the bowl and Kendra asked him what he meant. Then, he told her that he'd thrown up in the bowl. Not that I'm disputing Kendra being "stupid as dirt" because the breeding comment cemented that fact long ago.
Poor Gus and Hera. The worst detour pickers ever! Was there even one time that they didn't go for the wrong choice? They even tried to do the cantaloupe toss, for crying out loud. Now I only have Kris and Jon to root for. Everyone else bugs in some way.
I had breakfast not too long ago and I'm still hungry. There is cheesecake in the fridge. Is it acceptable to have breakfast desert?
Is it acceptable to have breakfast desert?
Is that a trick question?
The grocery store near me has these boxes that contain two slices of pie (cheesecake, key lime pie, etc). I thought that's what I bought yesterday, but it turns out I bought a whole cheesecake. So now I have the cheesecake equivelent of Too Much Candy, except there's no one here to eat it off my neck. At least not until my boss's dog gets in....