I wonder what the wig and bikini &/or underwear count is going to be. For the latter, I presume less than when they ran the season premier after the superbowl or whatever that sporting event was. That was so blatant it was funny.
That wasn't the season premiere, but it was the episode where they take down SD-6 and change the entire direction of the show. And it was pretty funny how blatant it was. Of course now all the Alias non-watchers say to me, isn't that the show with that chick who fights in her underwear? Like I'm watching V.I.P. or something.
Which season is starting now in the USA?
Sure to be a x-post, but we're starting the fourth season of Alias tonight, Nilly.
I took a sick day, and it looks like a picked a good day to do it.
Good choice, even without the snow.
Thanks, shrift. Wow, we still have such a long way to go. So many more colors for wigs.
Also, feel better. I hope the universe will not be so cruel as to make you sick with Dana so far away and without a regular internet connection to cheer you up.
[Edited to add: Lee! I got a note from the post office this morning. Probably won't be able to get to the post office before Friday, though]
Since coworkers voted on the in-hotel Sports Bar for supper (and I was in far more need of company than preference for other places to eat) I got to watch half of the Orange Bowl last night. ("Are we supposed to root for the orange guys or the white guys?") Which is only germane because the network showed a long-ass
preview right at half-time. Too bad I didn't have a TiVo to go over it in detail....
There was a crazy lady on the train today. She was carrying on a very loud conversation with herself (she even had pauses as if she was listening to the other person, with the occasional "Huh?" thrown in). Other times she'd just ramble on. Like:
Tomatoes! Tomatoes Tomatoes. Texas Tomatoes. Texas Tomatoes. Earthquakes! California earthquakes. Texas Tomatoes and California earthquakes.
If I were to meet someone I had known in the past.... Or in the future. Or in the present....
The crazy people make me feel better about myself. sad but true.
is it too early for me to start the "Tonight Is Alias" chant?
Woo hoo! Spyweek starts tonight!!!
So, uh. No.