Hee. I wondered how you knew it was from me, when I didn't put my name in it, but then I thought you figured it out from the LA and Lush part.
Goodbye and Good Riddance 2004: Well, I Wasn't Expecting That.
Every year we watch the Charlie Brown special, do the Snoopy dance, wish everybody a Merry Christmukkah, and thank our Secret Santas in the good riddance thread. Which is this one, in case you were wondering. Oh, and 2004? Don't think we've forgotten about you.
I don't know what the chances are, sumi... I wonder if Nilly does? (I give everyone who signs up a number, and then use an online random sequence generator to match people up. When Lee & t came up as opposite numbers, I thought about switching them but decided it was kinda fun that way.)
For me 2004 was definitely The Year of the Baby , and not just because we had Nora in January. It seemed that every minute another Buffista sprog or potential had arrived or was on the way - Annabel, Owen, Emma; Nonian, Raquel, ms. hayden, Plei's Tenacious Blob, and I know I've forgotten others so please forgive me.
This place has got drool stains & teeth marks lately - I hope those Buffistas not interested in breeding aren't too annoyed. ;-)
I kept on writing - not as much as I'd hoped, but more than I feared. My job is going well. There are some clouds on the horizon at Dan's workplace, but we'll keep our eyes open and hope things work out.
All in all, 2004 was a pretty good year. I'm looking forward to 2005 - it starts with Nora's first birthday, which is a pretty good way to start.
I hope those Buffistas not interested in breeding aren't too annoyed. ;-)
Being a Bitch Aunt is a grand and glorious occupation. Because you can always hand the squawling, leaking, squirming, frustrated mess back to the parentals and return home to your unchewed and unpeed-on peaceful home.
Wait, I have cats. Erase the unchewed and unpeed-on, add clawmarks and accusing kitty-eyes.
connie, you're forgetting the fur everywhere.
The first half of 2004 was pretty spectacular for me - got married, got my MBA, got religion, got to meet some Buffistas, all wonderful.
The second half has been a lot of waiting and preparation and more waiting, but nothing particularly bad, so on balance, I'm gonna pronounce this a good to excellent year.
I am really looking forward to 2005, when I think some of the things I'm waiting for are actually going to happen.
Okay, I'm getting worried. No word from my Santee. And no box for me, but I haven't had time to check through all my mail to see if they tried to deliver it while I was gone.
Okay, I'm getting worried. No word from my Santee.
Same here. I'm a wee bit worried that he/she might have been all meh about the gift since it's socks--handknit, but socks all the same.
Tomorrow (on my honor) the seekrit santa gift out.
I was going to do the final wrapping,etc last night but I got distracted by my shiny new computer.
Every time I see a new post here I think, "Maybe Santee received the gift!" but no. not yet. Next time I'm flying whereever and handing it to the person. I have no patience.
Anne, if it eases your worrying at all, I would have been totally psyched to receive your whitefonted gift.