Deena, that package sounds scrumptious. Lucky you, having deb pick the stuff, you know it's gonna taste great.
Goodbye and Good Riddance 2004: Well, I Wasn't Expecting That.
Every year we watch the Charlie Brown special, do the Snoopy dance, wish everybody a Merry Christmukkah, and thank our Secret Santas in the good riddance thread. Which is this one, in case you were wondering. Oh, and 2004? Don't think we've forgotten about you.
It got there! WOOOOOT!
Deena, bebe, this is the silly package. The big prezzie is on its way. I'm betting Tuesday, but if it shows up? I'm-a happy.
And did you like the card? On, Fluffy!
And of course, I couldn't exactly ask to see your entry in the database....
Mmmm. I love pesto. I bought some at the olive oil place deb took us to when I was out there for NillyFest. Reading Deena's post has made me hungry.
Evil-Ex-SIL that my shit-for-brains brother seems to be getting on with again is making dinner today. She is evil, but a damn good cook. Many Italian treats await us.
I love the card.
I went out for last minute shopping... it took more than a minute.
I forgot to add that there were more pretty tree ornaments in the package too. Kara's considered, but decided these aren't as good for stabbing.
I like a girl that can spot a good weapon.
Laura! THANK YOU for the lovely yarn. I adore the color and the soft and it'll be so fun to knit with.
Thank you so much!
Sail-- I got your card!! It's so pretty! Thank you.
Sail, the PO Box means I'll get them when I get back from visiting my in-laws. Very cool to know. Thanks!
This year has brought me the most incredible thing in my entire life. So it's been pretty damn good. When I start thinking about how it could have been better, I remember that I have a happy, healthy, thriving baby, I'm not awaiting word on a husband, son or daughter serving in Iraq, all my family members are alive and well and that I have a warm home (well, usually) and plenty to eat. I don't think it's right to ask for more than that. These last few days have been a little rough, but overall, I think 2004 has been a fantastic year for me, DH and O.
Plus, I have you guys to talk to--and you keep me sane.
YaY! Kat's yarn arrived. I thought it was so pretty and you were the first yarn lover that popped into mind.