YaY! Kat's yarn arrived. I thought it was so pretty and you were the first yarn lover that popped into mind.
'Time Bomb'
Goodbye and Good Riddance 2004: Well, I Wasn't Expecting That.
Every year we watch the Charlie Brown special, do the Snoopy dance, wish everybody a Merry Christmukkah, and thank our Secret Santas in the good riddance thread. Which is this one, in case you were wondering. Oh, and 2004? Don't think we've forgotten about you.
I have the best seekrit santa ever!! Also, and I say this no less strongly, she is EVIL! I got the most wonderful prezzies: a beautiful, soft, handknitted hat and scarf, cinnamon body powder, wonderful lotion, and last, but certainly not least, chocolate (two kinds, hot cocoa and a chocolate bar). This was all followed up by a cute and clever card. I love all of my prezzies, and am overwhelmed by the creativity, thoughtfulness and generosity of her and all the others whose gifts I have read about here.
Oh, and the EVIL part? She didn't tell me who she is! I have to guess! Whaaaaa! With all the cool and wonderful people here, how am I supposed to guess?!
Okay, I'll try. But I'm sure that I'll get it wrong a few times. And I'll have to think about it for my first guess.
t /gloat and whine
Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it! Happy belated Solstice and Season's Greetings to all! You are the best folks ever.
I got 3 lovely cards in the mail from smonster, DX, and Sail. They're all lovely, and imbued with the spirit of the sender. Thank you, all.
Juliana, did you get a card from me? I am having a serious mind-blank about whether I ever managed to get your smail mail addy or not.
Dear Sunil,
First, please be safe. We think you are, but extra ma~. headed your way.
Second, what a good secret Santa you are. I loved the envolope. the bead book has stuff I've never seen. and the CD was really good. I've only listen to it once so far - I'm sure I'll have more to say once I've driven to work a few times.
Peace and Love,
Kristin, doll, I don't think I did get a card from you.
I just received a Michael Parkes poster from Deb. It's gorgeous. It's this one [link] cropped to the picture and framed in gold-washed wood. Wow. It's just amazingly beautiful.
Juliana, dearling, email me your snail mail and one will be heading your way posthaste.
beth!!! Thank you so much! I'm listening to the CD right now, AIFG! beth bought me a beautiful holiday CD by Mediaeval Baebes, which is exactly the kind of traditional music that I love best at Christmas. It's really lovely. AND she bought me a pair of pretty green glass bead earrings, AND a giant bag of Ghirardelli chocolates! Thank you thank you thank you!
cool, I wasn't sure when it would arrive - and as a btw, I did put the earings together myself. My mom would be jealous - you are the only one tha tgot any of my beading this year.