Am I the only person to not be gifted with one of Sail's cards?
'Harm's Way'
Every year we watch the Charlie Brown special, do the Snoopy dance, wish everybody a Merry Christmukkah, and thank our Secret Santas in the good riddance thread. Which is this one, in case you were wondering. Oh, and 2004? Don't think we've forgotten about you.
Am I the only person to not be gifted with one of Sail's cards?
The gift has been mailed. When it will get to my Secret Santee, I don't know. I'm still kind of off-balance with Embassy Athens - in Kuala Lumpur we had mail service every day, and extra around the holidays. Here, it's once a week regularly and they just decided not to have mail service this week, since it's Christmas. I hope no families here are waiting for something special in the mail.
In any case, I can't blame my whole delay on the APO system, because I fretted for weeks about what to get my Secret Santee...but it's en route now and hopefully will get there by Valentine's Day!
After many trials and travails, my gift has been mailed! Now it can finally be Christmas.
I love the holidays! Another department has an overabundance of food -- fudge, nuts, cookies, tangerines, oranges. A tenant is bringing up cookies..
No one is really around so I feel okay about eating at my desk (normally I'm not allowed because I have an image to project -- a receptionist should look competent and not be sticky-fingered).
I got Buffista cards in the mail!
I'm giggling at them, and wishing I had someone to hand 'em to.
Aurelia! I'm glad you liked it! I always feel dumb giving my own books, but someone told me it would be A Good Idea In This Case. :-)
And, Lexine, THANK YOU! DH had put your box with the stuff we're hiding from LB, thinking it was from my sister. I pointed out (gently) that my sister lives in NY, not CA, and that she has never sent a present that arrived before Dec. 24, and then he told me where it was. So now I have all sorts of sewing goodies, a gorgeous-smelling bath bomb, and a beautiful beaded ornament! (LB appropriated that right away, so maybe the "hiding things from LB" idea wasn't so off-base). AND Buffista business cards, for when I really MEAN BUSINESS.
(It's so nice to receive random sewing notions because there is no rage like the rage of needing JUST ONE MEASLY SNAP to finish something you've been working on for two hours, and then not having it.)
Thank you!
Today just keeps getting better. Off to bounce around the office spreading good cheer.
I got MachinaMail! And SailMail! Plus a couple things I'd ordered that I was beginning to think wouldn't arrive till '05, so that's a relief. The cards are gorgeous, each in their own very different way, but I swear there's a sort of glow coming off both of them.
And I got a wee parcel from Deb, too. It must be Christmas. Thanks, guys.
2004 was the year I met FAQ Girl. All other events in my life pale in significance. When I think about how we met, I shake my head. It all seems so improbable. Yet, here it is, over six months later, and while we've had a few bumps in the road, we are still insanely happy together.
t edit and sluuuttt!
Jon, you two are so cute together. A great couple! It was so fun meeting you.
2004 was the year I finally got to meet some Buffistas after lurking around for years (going back to the TT days). I treasure each and every one of you.