I managed to get the ribbon off the chocolate box. And the box is hard to open. Pretty but I have to work to get it open. One of the chocolates was broken...part of the shell came off and the ganache was exposed.
So I had to try it....
omigod. It has to be the best chocolate I've ever tasted. It has black currant ganache inside that is so amazing. I don't think I've ever really had black currant anything. It's amazing. I ate part of it, fit the lid back on, and I'm set.
Black currant is one of the things I love most about Britain. It's a terrifically addictive substance.
Note to my Seekrit Santa: Got your message, it's all good, if it isn't here tomorrow I"ll pick it up at the post office on the 3rd when I get back into town.
Askye, guh, that sounds scrumpdillyicious. And, go you with the mad breakfast and organizational skills.
I have a very nice black currant candle, but I've never actually tasted it. Sounds nummy!!
ETA: Real black currant. Not the candle. Because obviously, I wouldn't have tasted that. Eew.
Real blackcurrant has a funny musky aftertaste that takes some getting used to. Buy a bottle of Ribena.
Real black currant is very tasty. Especially when cooked with raspberries and port and drizzled over crepes.
I fail to have any in my yard, mind. Just two somewhat sickly currants in red and white (which will, when I'm able to do so, get moved to the sunnier backyard).
(I got a single Fool out of the things this year. They really need better light.)
Black currant hard candies used to be my favorite as a child. I forget which department store carried some brand of British hard candies in tins. Every time we went there I'd beg my mother for some. I probably got them 3-4 times a year. Lovely dusky flavor.
Glad you liked it, Meara!
I took a chance that you didn't have one.
Those chocolates sound delicious!
I love that kanji -- it looks like a volcano rumbling. Perhaps, quaking?