Sorry. Wish I could help, but I just won't flirt with married men.
It seems obvious to me that the flirtage would be with Trudy and me.
Heh. DX is taking the faux high road. And I get to don my devil horns and stand in the corner with SPP. It's a win-win.
ah hem ... standing right here.
I'll flirt with you DX.
I think we need a new thread.
A flirtation thread? but isn't that pretty much spread across the entire board?
flirtation thread.
Although, yeah, why limit it? Whew. Move along, no nascent kerfuffle to see here.
Flirting with DXM seems it ought to be global, with occasional concentrations and spikes.
Spikes? Really? I wouldn't have thought that was his thing...
Spike flirts with him, but gets nothing in return.
Now, if we all start singing about stuff we should get DX a chaperone -- because that is what friends do.
Spikes? Really? I wouldn't have thought that was his thing...
Well. Baseball cleats are called spikes too.
Dearest, check your email please.
t /threadjacking