Can you send us a videotape of you playing the Buffy theme on the thermin and we'll throw panties at that ?
Actually, I was thinking of this very thing. Well, except for the panties part, but whatever floats your boat. Anyway, I've got all of Jon's F2F performances on video, so I can bring 'em.
Aw Ed, I was
this would be the year you'd fling a pair of tighty-whites.
So the "never missed" crowd is down to you, me, Scola, and the Holts, huh?
Aw Ed, I was sure this would be the year you'd fling a pair of tighty-whites.
I would pay top dollar to see this.
Damn unemployment that made me miss LA...grumble grumble.
Damn employment that made me miss it... grumble grumble.
I would pay top dollar to see this.
Sorry. Wish I could help, but I just won't flirt with married men.
Damn underemployment that makes me miss all the f2fs. . . .
Sorry. Wish I could help, but I just won't flirt with married men.
And your excuse the last four times?
Damn wedding that made me miss DC.
Damn baby that made me miss NO.
Damn moneybabyjob that'll make me miss SF.