Dearest, check your email please.
t /threadjacking
'Beneath You'
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon: San Francisco, May 19-21, 2006! Everything else, go here! Swag!
Dearest, check your email please.
t /threadjacking
Baseball cleats are called spikes too.
Still wouldn't have thought footwear part of the flirting process with him.
I'm not judging, though. Whatever you want to do is up to you.
SO excited! Possibly HouseOfReason-age! Everybodyelse-age! COOL! Is it too late for the Baseball match? I was at the final of the Egypt SuperCup (football, aka 'soccer' across the pond) the other week, which was the first time I've been to a professional match. I've never been to (or even watched, come to that) a baseball match, so that would be pretty cool. But probably too late by this point, which is also fine - not like there'll be a lack of interesting things to see and do in SF.
Monteray Bay Aquarium ROCKS. I went there when I was 17 and it was one of my very favourite things about that trip to the States. Hope I might be able to tag along to that.
I went into a travel agent yesterday to arrange my flight back to the Uk via Prague (I have interviews coming up in London [for a Thailand job] and in Prague [for, well, a Prague job]) and I was trying to find out about flights for the F2F.
Meanwhile, turns out that the Cairo Choral Association, of which I'm a member, will be having its next performance (for which we're learing 3 pieces of Hayden, 1 Purcell, 1 Mozart, 1 by IForgetWhom, maybe Schubert?, and 1 truly appallingly difficult set of Bach Cantatas [apologies for all gaffs in this statement - I'm in the choir but I'm a cultural desert when it comes to this stuff]) on the 17th and 18th of May. in Cairo, obviously enough.
But the performance is but one small part of the overall experience - the months of LEARNING the bloody tricksy bastardly hard stuff is rewarding and challenging and all that in itself, plus the social side of hanging with the choir-istas, and I know that it's helping me to get a bit better at this singing malarky. So I guess that missing the actual performances is doable, although it would be nice if I could make it to the first one. But if it's one or the other, Buffistatime wins out. I just need to figure out what flights are available that fall within my price range.
So I'm maybe trying to fly on the 18th (thus attending one performance, and insh'allah arriving in SF on the afternoon/evening of the 18th, since I'll be flying back in time, type of dealio) or just saying 'fuck it' and flying out on the 16th or 17th or some such. I'll likely stay until the 20th or 21st or so, all being well - most of the airlines have a minimum stay of 4 or 5 days or more.
Um. Anyway, I'm telling y'all all of this because the thing is I'm counting on being able to crash on a sofa or rug at somebody's house - no way I can afford the fare from Egypt and then hotel expenses on top. But I don't want to put people out, and if it's easier to impose on one person for a couple of days and someone else for a couple of other days, that's cool too. Or something. Basically I'm relying on the kindness of Buffistas, which worked fantastically well in LA (A million blessings upon the fair Perkins) but which still makes me wince with the impositionishness of it. But it's all I've got, yo.
Anyone? Bueller?
Yay Fay!
So, we were talking about parking charges the other day. Parking at the hotel I'm at for the weekend, the Swissotel in Chicago - $38 a night. And that's for guests, god knows what they charge if you're not staying.
Yay Fay!!! And there are still tickets for the baseball game, so I'll add you to the list.
Seventy-seven days to go.....
Cheers, Maidengurl!
Forgot to add my voice to the YAY wrt Laura Shapiro - colour me delighted. Her stuff rocks, and I'd love to meet her.
Anyone? Bueller?
Fay, I still have an empty couch in Berkeley, if you don't get a better offer closer to the center of things. Smonster can give you the low-down on whether or not it's actually comfortable. If she decides to come out and do a bellydancing workshop, you may have to share space, as my home is always open to the smonster, but we've got a couch and air mattresses and plenty of hot water and a good neighboorhood for food.
I'm counting on being able to crash on a sofa or rug at somebody's house - no way I can afford the fare from Egypt and then hotel expenses on top.
oh, please! People will be fighting to have you sleep on their couch. I may even ambush someone just to stand next to you.
Fay, I thought you were staying with us?
So, hey, thanks to some bugging (thanks, buggers, um, so to speak), I'm beginning to consider this F2F a possibility. What's the story on hotel people shacking up together?
In a financial way. Is there a master list of who needs a shackmate, e.g.?
Maidengurl, if I'm coming -- I guess I'll know in another week or two -- I'd like to hosey a ticket to the game. It's the Sunday day game, right?
Also, when did airfare stop being cheap? Stupid airfare.