Note: sending quasi-cash rather than payment for goods or services is what got an excessive fee added to my Nilly Paypal contribution last year. Aside from technical issues, I'd recommend inventing some commodity you can list to qualify for one or the other to avoid being charged extra. (I marked my fee as being for the prom ticket.)
I'm making a last call for roommates before making my hotel reservation this week. Is there anyone who wants to split the cost of a room?
Important May F2F Update:
I just spoke to the St. Louis Hotel about the rooms that have been reserved.
Our original block of reserved rooms were as follows:
- 5/19 - 10
- 5/20 - 19
- 5/21 - 19
- 5/22 - 5
As of today, these are the actual reservations numbers:
- 5/19 - 5
- 5/20 - 6
- 5/21 - 6
- 5/22 - 6
With the exception of Sunday night, we are far below the number needed. I don't know if this is a matter of people not having made reservations yet or if this is simply a reflection of the number of people who will not be able to attend, but it was extremely worrisome to me since we are required by contract to fill 90% of our block in order to avoid being charged the balance.
Luckily, the woman I spoke to today provided us an alternative to avoid the large penalty. If I agreed to reduce our reservation block today, she wouldn't penalize us.
So. I really felt like I had to take her up on this. The positive side is that we now have far fewer rooms to fill to fulfill our obligation. The negative is that if people come out of the woodwork, we may run out of reduced rate rooms.
Here is the reduced block arrangement:
- 5/19 - 7 (2 rooms still available)
- 5/20 - 10 (4 rooms still available)
- 5/21 - 10 (4 rooms still available)
- 5/22 - 5 (obligation met)
If people do come out of the woodwork and we exceed our block BEFORE APRIL 20th (which is next week, guys!), we should still be able to get you the reduced rate. After that, though, we're out of luck.
On a personal note, I know that there are many reasons why it is difficult to make the trek down to NOLA, and I know a lot of people have decided finances aren't going to allow the trip. However, if there is a way you can come, I just want to say please do. The F2F is always such a great party, and we're going to have such a fantastic time. I can't wait to see everyone, and I hope that we continue the tradition of throwing a party that scares the locals (though perhaps a tall order in New Orleans, I have faith in us).
Join us! There will be corsets and kilts and glitter and too much candy! There will be great music and foamy Buffistas!
t throws glitter in the air
We're just six weeks away! Woot!
Hey Kristin, I just wanted to say thanks again for stepping up and doing so much of the organizing on this. And NoiseDesign as well, and everyone else who's worked to put this together--but I felt you deserved a special mention, Kristin, because of the financial commitment you made up front to the hotel. I know you've been worried that we wouldn't make the numbers we needed to fill our reserved rooms, and with every person who's posted (myself included) to say they can't come, I've been getting more worried for you. So I think you did the right thing in reducing our reservation block, and I hope that that move has made this a little less stressful for you.
Thanks, Kate. I have to admit that though I know that the low numbers aren't my fault, I've been feeling really bummed about it. I was beginning to wonder if I'm wearing anti-foamy perfume or something.
I'm still nervous about the other money, too. Like ND said, we're not even halfway to what we need there, either, and that commitment ultimately rests on me, too.
Thanks, Kristin.
I wonder if the hotel's requirement that the rooms be paid for at the time of reservation (the first night anyway) might have something to do with the fact that people haven't reserved as early as they might have otherwise. I know it's been a factor for me - I'm planning to call on Friday, so that the room will come out of the middle of the month check. Maybe I'll try to do it tonight when I get home anyway.
psst! Kristin has cooties! Pass it on.
t sticks out tongue at Jon
ETA: And Nora!
Brenda, that's a possibility. I just hope it all works out.
Kristin, ND, I just wanted to chime in with thanks. I really appreciate all of your work on this F2F.
(And I'm thinking I won't be there myself. Sorry. The finances and timing just won't work as well as I would have hoped. Drink a frozen Irish coffee for me.)
(But, because I am Queen of Dithering, I might still change my mind, especially if we get a nice windfall from our tax return.)