Simon: Captain... why did you come back for us? Mal: You're on my crew. Simon: Yeah, but you don't even like me. Why'd you come back? Mal: You're on my crew. Why we still talking about this?


Buffistechnology 2: You Made Her So She Growls?  

Got a question about technology? Ask it here. Discussion of hardware, software, TiVos, multi-region DVDs, Windows, Macs, LINUX, hand-helds, iPods, anything tech related. Better than any helpdesk!

Typo Boy - Mar 15, 2005 5:46:08 pm PST #2085 of 10003
Calli: My people have a saying. A man who trusts can never be betrayed, only mistaken.Avon: Life expectancy among your people must be extremely short.

Two channels on our TV are without sound and have been for several days. The pictures are fine and all other channels have sound (though the immediately adjacent ones are a bit faint and need the volume turned up compared to other channels).

The TV is under warranty so I could have either a TV repairperson or the cable company come to our house, but if I guess wrong I get charged. If it is the TV and the cable company comes I will get charged. If it is the cable and the TV guy comes I'll get charged. Anyone have thoughts on what is the better guess?

The cable company is comcast. The TV is a Sony FD Trinitron WEGA KV-20FS100.


dcp - Mar 15, 2005 6:13:49 pm PST #2086 of 10003
The more I learn, the more I realize how little I know.

Can you borrow another TV to swap in to your set-up to do a quick sound comparison test on those channels?

Typo Boy - Mar 15, 2005 6:21:40 pm PST #2087 of 10003
Calli: My people have a saying. A man who trusts can never be betrayed, only mistaken.Avon: Life expectancy among your people must be extremely short.

Ah - good thought. Don't know, but worth a try. Thanks.

DCJensen - Mar 15, 2005 6:40:17 pm PST #2088 of 10003
All is well that ends in pizza.

Do you have a VCR? If so, are the stations there when you view through the VCR's receiver?

Typo Boy - Mar 15, 2005 6:44:45 pm PST #2089 of 10003
Calli: My people have a saying. A man who trusts can never be betrayed, only mistaken.Avon: Life expectancy among your people must be extremely short.

Yep - can see them through VCR. Which lead to me RTFM. Which lead me to figure out that I had auto-sap turned on. Switched to stereo and everything works fine.

Thanks, and sorry for the stupidity.

Tom Scola - Mar 16, 2005 4:36:56 am PST #2090 of 10003
Remember that the frontier of the Rebellion is everywhere. And even the smallest act of insurrection pushes our lines forward.

Google pays homage to Mac OS X with Google X: [link]

Jessica - Mar 16, 2005 12:00:44 pm PST #2091 of 10003
And then Ortus came and said "It's Ortin' time" and they all Orted off into the sunset

DH and I are shopping for a home theatre system. We don't necessarily need a new DVD player (we're mostly in it for the surround-sound), but the "home theatre" systems seem to be far more in our price range than the "audio cinema" systems.

Anyway. Who's got brand recs for me?

Betsy HP - Mar 16, 2005 12:05:44 pm PST #2092 of 10003
If I only had a brain...

[Jess], we bought one of the Panasonic Home Theater In A Box systems. We aren't audiophiles; it's fine for us, and the Dolby-ized movies are appropriately growly and whatnot. (We bought ours a year ago, and as far as I can see that model is discontinued.) We wound up choosing based on which one has the largest number of different kinds of inputs, since we have multiple game systems, TiVo, VCR, &c &c...

Jessica - Mar 16, 2005 12:09:33 pm PST #2093 of 10003
And then Ortus came and said "It's Ortin' time" and they all Orted off into the sunset

Oh, good point about multiple inputs. Definitely something to look for.

Best Buy has a 7.1 system that's calling to me, but is sadly out of our price range.

DCJensen - Mar 16, 2005 5:23:44 pm PST #2094 of 10003
All is well that ends in pizza.

My employer is in the process of getting ready to sell off a JVC CD 600-count network "Jukebox" they decided didn't really suit their needs.

It sounds like they might eBay it. I have no more info at this time.

Edited: 600!