Really? I think of her as so young!
.... and she is apparently 37. Huh. I mean, he's still 50, but OK for Hollywood.
[NAFDA] The place for casting and other vague spoilers, for those who merely want to wade, not drown, in the spoiler sea. Episode titles, writers, and preview speculation in black font. Exiting cast, TV Guide and other entertainment articles and their discussion white-fonted. Hard core spoilers are not allowed.
Really? I think of her as so young!
.... and she is apparently 37. Huh. I mean, he's still 50, but OK for Hollywood.
I think the problem here is that he played her father-figure in Much Ado, which then makes us all think they're a generation apart.
Not surprisingly, Cobie Smothers will show up on an episode of S.H.I.E.L.D.: [link]
TNT has ordered The Librarians to series & Christian Kane has been cast in the series. This is a regular series version of the movies and will also star Noah Wylie.
Steven Cree cast as Ian Murray in Outlander and Laura Donnelly has been cast as Jenny Murray.
I'm an avid Outlander fact, I'm relistening to A Breath of Snow and Ash as we speak.
It has amazed me, so far, how each new casting announcement leaves me saying, "Yep, I can see that."
Never before have the characters in my mind been so deftly realized on screen.
I know so many people who are so excited about this show. From all different areas in my life too. Its going to be huge, isn't it?
This is my thinking.
The only thing that could make it bigger, with the target audience that is me, would be casting Richard Armitage and "Sharpe" era Sean Bean.
The existing audience is HUGE, then you throw in Ron Moore's clan and the gorgeous backdrop and the (hopefully) well developed historical stuff of the novels and well...behemoth sized popularity.
That Ron guy knows how to pick 'em.
I'm following Starzoutlander on Instagram for the Deerhound and pony pictures. (Well, I joined on the basis of deerhounds and ponies.)
I canna wait!
I'm as interested to see how they will cast Rollo, Ian's beast. In my mind, he's something darker and heavier than even that.