BTW, at the SPN Con Richard Speight mentioned that he is shooting a guest spot on Life.
Jayne: What're you gonna tell the others? Mal: About what? Jayne: About why I'm dead. Mal: Hadn't thought about it. Jayne: Make something up. Don't tell 'em what I did.
Spoilage Lite - The Return
[NAFDA] The place for casting and other vague spoilers, for those who merely want to wade, not drown, in the spoiler sea. Episode titles, writers, and preview speculation in black font. Exiting cast, TV Guide and other entertainment articles and their discussion white-fonted. Hard core spoilers are not allowed.
sumi - Nov 19, 2008 9:29:33 am PST #1642 of 3639
Art Crawl!!!
sumi - Nov 24, 2008 8:09:59 am PST #1643 of 3639
Art Crawl!!!
sumi - Nov 25, 2008 4:21:05 am PST #1644 of 3639
Art Crawl!!!
SPN casting news for 4.12 (I think) - the one called " Criss Angel is a Douchebag" - Source unknown. (As in quote was emailed to me.):
Supernatural wins this year's Best Episode Title with the upcoming 'Criss Angel Is A Douche Bag .' Even better, the magician-centered ep, which airs Jan. 22, features "Hey, It's That Guy!" trio Barry Bostwick Ugly Betty, Spin City), John Rubinstein Angel, 24), and Richard Libertini every show ever made, but most recently, Monk and Numbers).
sumi - Nov 25, 2008 5:57:03 am PST #1645 of 3639
Art Crawl!!!
Casting news above originally from EW which is where I found this Big Bang guest cast snippet:
A December episode of The Big Bang Theory gives us Battlestar Galactica's Michael Trucco on a motorcycle. He'll play Leonard's partner on a project and one of the youngest MacArthur Genius Grant winners ever. My source says Penny takes a shine to him. My source also says, "Who wouldn't?"
sumi - Dec 03, 2008 8:49:04 am PST #1646 of 3639
Art Crawl!!!
le nubian - Dec 03, 2008 9:50:24 am PST #1647 of 3639
"And to be clear, I am the hell. And the high water."
get the fuck outta here.
§ ita § - Dec 03, 2008 10:09:17 am PST #1648 of 3639
Well not canonically, no, but this is transformative fiction.
Strix - Dec 03, 2008 3:04:47 pm PST #1649 of 3639
A dress should be tight enough to show you're a woman but loose enough to flee from zombies. — Ginger
Um...why? I mean, ok, but...i second ita's "huh" and add a ???
Theresa - Dec 03, 2008 3:56:52 pm PST #1650 of 3639
"What would it take to get your daughter to stop tweeting about this?"
sumi - Dec 03, 2008 8:08:50 pm PST #1651 of 3639
Art Crawl!!!
He seemed to be serious.