There was a front page story in The Washington Post today about the end of The Wire, which just finished shooting its fifth and final season. This is a little spoilery in the sense that you can see which characters/actors are in the final episode. Also the general topic they explore in the upcoming season is mentioned. [Link]
Spoilage Lite - The Return
[NAFDA] The place for casting and other vague spoilers, for those who merely want to wade, not drown, in the spoiler sea. Episode titles, writers, and preview speculation in black font. Exiting cast, TV Guide and other entertainment articles and their discussion white-fonted. Hard core spoilers are not allowed.
Episode titles for the Sarah Jane Adventures (no airdates):
1/2: Title TBC - Parts 1/2
3/4: Eye Of The Gorgon - Parts 1/2
5/6: Warriors Of The Kudlak - Parts 1/2
7/8: Whatever Happened To Sarah Jane - Parts 1/2
9/10: The Lost Boy - Parts 1/2
Cover art for the dvd of the pilot.
Oh wow, WHY did they not use the title from 7/8 instead of "School Reunion" on Doctor Who?!?
There seems to be something significant missing from the DVD cover.
SPN episode 3.6 "Red Sky at Morning"
FNL casting news:
According to the mag, Nip/Tuck star Josselyn Gilsig who last season played Hayden Panettiere's estranged mother in 3 episodes of NBC's red-hot "Heroes" is joining "Lights" as Connie Britton's "hip, smart and single sister." I presume this may be a part of the "let's-add-sex-this-year" strategy. Personally, I say give us more locker room/shower scenes.
From Televisionista and from Maureen Ryan's blog - Ryan's blog is more spoilery (slightly).
Guest cast for the Sarah Jane Adventures include:
Jane Asher, Phyllida Law and Floella Benjamin
The 3rd one is the only one I have no idea who it is.
Neither do I, but that's a fantastic first name!
Floella Benjamin was a kids' TV presenter in the '70s. So, one for the parents.
Well, the other two seem more for the parents too - don't they?