(And at last!)
Frack, I forgot about all the dream sequences!! Argh. Okay, so throughout the whole two hours, there are dream sequences interspersed. They are Roslin's dreams. She is in the opera house (where Six brought Baltar on Kobol, and where D'eanna saw the Final Five), chasing Hera, who is running down corridors. Sharon is there too, and so is Six. The music on the temp track is the monolith theme from 2001, which I only mention because they'll probably write original music for the broadcast, which is a shame because the monolith theme is just so awesome. (Not "Thus Spake Zara Thustra," btw, the chorus of voices -- I think it's called "Atmospheres" or something.) At one point, Roslin is in sick bay getting chemo and has another dream/vision, which Sharon (who is also in sick bay for some reason) shares with her. They both snap awake at the same time, freaking the hell out of Cottle. They realize this is very strange, and go to talk to Six, who agrees that it is very strange. "That shouldn't be possible," she says. The outline of the dream is that Hera is running down the corridor, Sharon and Roslin following behind. Six is following close behind Hera, close enough to pick her up and run into the main room where D'eanna saw the Final Five. Baltar is there, they go in together, and turn around to see the Final Five (in bright white lights, their faces still not visible), watching them on the balcony. And all three of them - Roslin, Six, and Sharon - have been having the same dream.
During the power outage, Baltar is walking through Galactica being pointedly ignored by everyone when he is captured by some of his cult followers (who were at the trial) and taken away to safety. Everyone else on the ships are frantically trying to get the systems back up and running, and looking for flashlights, etc.
Tigh, Tori, Sam, and Tyrol are following their siren song and eventually wind up in the same launch tube. Tyrol arrives first, then Sam and Tori close behind. "Oh no....no no no..." They know. They all know now. Tigh arrives moments after, and he knows too. They stare at each other, stunned into silence and denial. Sam bolts the door.
The power comes back on with a jolt, but the Cylons are right on top of them. There's no way the fleet can spin up the FTL drives in time to jump away. (Oh, and in the wide shot just before this happens, you can CLEARLY see the Enterprise -- it's always been part of the fleet, but I don't think it's ever been this prominent before.)
Eventually, the four in the launch tube start to talk, but none of them want to state outright what they're all thinking. Eventually, though, Tyrol is the first to say it. "We're all Cylons. And we have been from the beginning."
With the power back on, Adama calls everyone to battle stations. The Four all look at each other -- what are they supposed to do now, knowing what they are, and what they might be capable of? This time, it's Tigh who speaks. "Our fracking jobs, that's what. I am Saul Tigh, XO of this fleet. Whatever else I am, that's the man I want to be." And he opens the door and leaves. The rest of them hesitate, but they follow his lead. Tyrol and Sam go back to the deck, Tori goes back to Roslin.
When Tigh gets back to the bridge, Adama says "Good to have you back Saul" and he may as well have just stabbed Tigh in the heart. "You can always count on me, sir," he says. "I never doubted it, old friend."
In space, Lee keeps seeing a DRADIS blip out of the corner of his eye, something marked "unknown vessel" that keeps popping in and out of view. He decides to check it out. When he gets close enough, lo and behold, there's Kara in her Viper, looking more happy and relaxed than we've ever seen her. "Don't worry, Lee," she says, "it's really me. I've been to Earth. I know the way. I'll take us there."