I got into DooL a little when my mother was living with us last year, but as soon as she moved out, I forgot about it.
They recast Shawn Douglas with an actor who isn't nearly as charismatic or attractive. Bah.
[NAFDA] Spoilers for any and all currently running TV shows. All hardcore spoilage, all the time. No white font.
I got into DooL a little when my mother was living with us last year, but as soon as she moved out, I forgot about it.
They recast Shawn Douglas with an actor who isn't nearly as charismatic or attractive. Bah.
Oh, noes! The last Shawn-D was one of the few reasons (I could see) to watch. I knew they'd re-cast Philip (maybe with a prior Philip), but I didn't know about Shawn.
Now I can't remember if it was Brady or Philip who was recast. Darn.
Poopyheads for killing off Alan. I watch both GH and Days from time to time. GH moves along, but Days I can catch a couple times a year and know what is happening.
I'd rather they deep six Sonny and Carly than any Quartermaines. Poopyheads I say.
Evil Nanny was a lot of fun. Particularly her interactions with Helena. She handcuffed Helena to the bedposts and kept her somewhere in the Cassedine(sp?) island mansion. She does good crazy.
I love how the closet soapers emerge from the woodwork.I am always amused by this.
My first thought on seeing the impending Death of Alan Q was that this is how they are going to do the dead Rick Webber retcon.
I feel compelled to mention that Colleen the evil nanny is a good friend of my bro's and went to my high school.I hate her. So, you know, she's doing a good job.
Wow, shouldn't the soaps talk be in Minear? Alternately, can Tim write a few weeks of GH? Because I have this list of characters I would prefer to mourn rather than hate... Though it might take me longer to watch the show if I weren't blipping past the parts that annoy me.
Though it might take me longer to watch the show if I weren't blipping past the parts that annoy me.
hee! so true. i actually haven't even gotten around to watching this week's ep. i tend to save them all for the weekend.
We just watched the first hour of the new season of 24...DUDE. It is hardcore.
Principal McHottie is now President McHottie, but things haven't been going so well for him -- terrorists have been blowing up malls and buses for about 2 weeks when the season starts. And now, the second-in-command of the guy behind the attacks has agreed to turn over his boss in exchange for Jack Bauer, who he wants to kill because Jack killed his brother who was a terrorist in Lebanon a few years back.
Jack gets off the plane from China and has a horrible fake beard and wig, which he promptly gets to shave off. Bill explains the plan to him (they're going to give Jack up to the terrorists and Jack will probably die because he will have no help at all) and Jack agrees to it because he's been in a Chinese prison too long to realize that this is a VERY STUPID PLAN. But whatever.
So Jack is turned over to the terrorists who very sensibly shoot him in the head right away take him back to their lair for some torturing before they kill him. They also make sure to tell him that Guy Who The Feds Want has actually come to LA to broker peace between the group and the US government, and that Guy Who Has Jack Prisoner is actually behind the attacks. So not only will Jack die, he will die for nothing. Poor Jack.
Right in the middle of the torture, right before Jack loses a finger, Head Terrorist Guy gets a phone call and everyone except for one guard leaves the room. Jack fakes death by ripping off his blood pressure thingy, and when the guard comes over to check, Jack BITES HIM IN THE NECK AND KILLS HIM. And then steals the handcuff keys and escapes. But dude, he KILLS A GUY BY BITING HIS NECK. With his TEETH. It is awesome, if you like that sort of thing. (If you don't...it's probably a little too graphic.)
Once a Lost Boy, always a Lost Boy...
I'm beginning to think that Jack Bauer's life is actually crappier than Frodo's.
He's still got all his fingers, though, right?
You know, I am trying to imagine Jack biting a guy to death on the neck, and all I am coming up with mental-image-wise is the sharks in James and the Giant Peach, all trying to get a bite of the peach when it's in the water and discovering their overbites are too large for them to get any kind of grip.
Not that Jack Bauer has an overbite, but I bet he also doesn't have a muzzle the size of a mastiff's.