You know, I am trying to imagine Jack biting a guy to death on the neck, and all I am coming up with mental-image-wise is the sharks in
James and the Giant Peach,
all trying to get a bite of the peach when it's in the water and discovering their overbites are too large for them to get any kind of grip.
Not that Jack Bauer has an overbite, but I bet he also doesn't have a muzzle the size of a mastiff's.
Whoa. Midnight Express much? Yeeew.
Principal McHottie is now President McHottie
Do they explain how the heck this came to be? And is it a non-lame explanation?
Once a Lost Boy, always a Lost Boy...
Ah hahahahahahahahaha!!!!
I'm beginning to think that Jack Bauer's life is actually crappier than Frodo's.
He certainly has a much worse track record of saving his nearest and dearest.
Do they explain how the heck this came to be? And is it a non-lame explanation?
No explanation -- it's 2 years after the end of last season, so presumably there was an election. (I guess the American people decided that after President McReallyEvil, they'd be better off sticking with the Palmer family.)
There's also a Palmer sister who for some reason was never mentioned before, but is now a lawyer for some Islamic-American rights organization.
And a very touching scene in the second ep where Jack tries to torture a suspect for information, gives up when he decides that he won't get anything, and then when the suspect cracks under just a little more torture from the ex-terrorist who Jack is now helping to escape, Jack makes a sad face and says "I don't know how to do this anymore." Poor Jack!
Jack makes a sad face and says "I don't know how to do this anymore." Poor Jack!
Buck up, Jack. You've got 22 more hours to get your torture legs back.
I predict that Jack's tragic inability to properly stab people with electrodes will last about as long as his heroin withdrawal.
I think one of the things I love about
is that it has no shame about leaping headlong in to absurdly silly territory, and can keep a straight face while doing it.
Did Fury write this, do you know?
Losing a body part seems an odd choice, since they'll have to make sure Jack has only nine visible fingers for however long the show lasts, unless they come up with a magic robotic finger.