This was such a great episode. I knew a little bit about Sun & Jin's story already going in, but I didn't know anything about the stuff with her father. Nicely revealed. It was so sad to watch them go from happy-in-love to miserable. One thing I noticed: in her first flashback, she's wearing a pretty revealing, clingy pink dress, and Jin didn't seem to mind at all--very different from making her button up her sweater on a tropical island. Did he become more jealous and possessive over the course of their marriage, or does he feel that being her husband gives him the right to tell her how to dress now, or does he think he's just being a good, protective husband in this strange new situation?
I'm a little confused about Sun's plan to escape. The plan was for them to fly together to Sydney, en route to America, and then for her to be "kidnapped" there? I'm fairly certain they weren't living in Australia, since they would both have to speak a little English just to get by--or at least, Sun wouldn't need to hide her lessons from Jin.
And they were headed for Singapore?
Where did you see or read Singapore? I just assumed LA.
I'm sorry, I must disagree with Kate P's earlier assessment that Sawyer is not hot (his personality aside). 'Cause he is.
Heh. You know, last night he actually looked better to me than he did before. Still not really my type, though, even without the extreme jerkwaditude. Although I do find his character intriguing, and I hope he gets more layers soon, because I think that actor (Josh Holloway?) does a good job with him.
Locke recognizing Driveshaft was a great touch. Man, I just love him more with each episode. Definitely getting a real high-priest vibe off of him.
I want to know what Locke gave up. He told Charlie he had to give something up and the island would give him something. We know what the island gave Locke, what did Locke give the island?
Yes, my question exactly.
I was a little disappointed that the whole Jin v. Michael thing came down to a watch. It seems, well, lame. Or convenient plot device and flashback trigger. I mean, dude, Michael saw Sun's boobies! Michael and Sun have had actual interaction! But, hey, a watch as a badge of honor for someone... who wasn't on the plane... I, uh... yeah.
But what if it's all setup for another, bigger confrontation? I think we're only starting to see the repercussions of Sun's involvement with the other people on the island (especially Michael), and there will be a lot more conflict between them once he realizes the extent to which she's been interacting with them.
I thought she had an intersting look when Jack said, "we could live here."
I thought she was disappointed that he wasn't flirting back.
So, does every episode begin with an eye opening? Couple that with "living is easy with eyes closed" and we get a bunch of people who now have to open their eyes and learn to make hard choices on the island.
Ooh, nice.