Although something tells me not to fuck with Jin.
[NAFDA] This is where we talk about the show! Anything that's aired in the US (including promos) is fair game. No spoilers though -- if you post one by accident, an admin will delete it.
Kate took down Sawyer, a guy who probably outweighs her by 30 lbs. or more, in about half a second.
It's not that hard if you know how. I've taken down guys who (in protective gear) were a foot taller and twice as heavy as me (about 6'6" and 300+ pounds).
Sawyer wasn't expecting her to be able to out muscle him. Yay! Surprise!
I'm loving Kate. And hoping her crime was serious and not whitewashed.
The only thing worse than that is if Claire delivers a beautiful baby and it dies. I like when the show brings on the HSQ, but that would be too much.
I could handle the dog dying; it would be sad and all, but I'm not an animal-death-squick person.
But if the baby dies? Or Walt dies? I would freak right out.
(Are there any children among the survivors other than Walt and the fetus? That seems kind of unlikely for a commercial flight, but I'll accept it.)
E!Online is running a Lost speculation article. [link]
Well, probably only one person in six sfrom that flight survived. Also, I'd imagine the 14 hour international flights have a few less children than shorter junkets.
From the spec article Gus linked to:
What if, like, the Korean couple had a polar bear in their luggage, and it got loose...
Heh -- from the E! article:
Or how about: Dr. Moreau is at it again!
So Marlon Brando will show up for sweeps? Talk about your stunt casting.
Sawyer wasn't expecting her to be able to out muscle him. Yay! Surprise!
Did she though? I agree that Jack underestimated her, but the way I remember the scene with Sawyer (which may be wrong) is that she surprised him and was able to knock him down, but then he flipped them pretty much right away, so that he was in control, and then Kate and Sayid together pushed/pulled him off.