I've read some really harsh criticisms of it on some sites, and I'd be lying if I said it didn't hurt.
Aw. Poor Daniel. His character gets bashed for being abusive, and *he* gets bashed for the Korean. Dude needs a hug.
I have to say, while it is fairly heavily American-accented, DDK's Korean is perfectly understandable. And it has been getting better quite a bit.
We've actually been getting together at each other's houses every Wedneday night to watch the show together. the person who's featured that night hosts everyone else.
OK, this is just so damn cute. It sounds sort of like LOTR filming experience, where the cast and crew bonded first out of their geographical isolation, then ended up becoming friends.
Edited because 'abused' is not the same thing as 'abusive'. Yeesh.
OK, this is just so damn cute. It sounds sort of like LOTR filming experience, where the cast and crew bonded first out of their geographical isolation, then ended up becoming friends.
it also reminded me a bit of the Shakespeare get together at Joss' house in the early years.
As far as my acting style, I think it is different when I speak Korean. I find that I take on certain mannerisms of my father - not that he's like Jin - but there are differences in the way people from different cultures use their bodies. I think that happens to me as well.
I think this is true, and interesting. He does carry his body differently as Jin than as Gavin, etc.
I wonder if this board is the source of DDK's angst. If so, it is my posts.
We lurves the DDK!
Yeah, Jin doesn't know about Sun speaking English. The translation on that scene was something like, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH HIM?", like, totally with the ASSCAPS and way ruder. It was more like "WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THAT RAT BASTARD?", actually.
I love how Sun's response to Jin's challenge was to basically give him an "I am SO over having this conversation with you" look, and walk away.
Jin says: (Sun Nov 14 06:12:25 2004)
Wow, cool post. And anybody else on the internet wants to give DDK a hard time over his Korean should be given a solid thwack.
The DDK is sweet and intelligent and full of grace. Also HOTT.
And talented - he's played a fairly wide and varied range of roles, and has gone out of his way to avoid playing "Asian Guy #2"
What Sean said. The man has always given something extra to the line, even back in the
t natter
Sean, I sent you email about tomorrow.
t /natter
I heart the Buffista Official Translation Engine.
I've gotten some backstory at
The Fusilage,
but find it's much more fun and informative to discuss here, even without the VIPs. Partly, because of, well, buffistas. But also because I find that the one thread is not enough, and the unlimited threads of their threaded board is just too many.
I wasn't around in the early days of this board, and when I first started reading here, I thought the long discussions over whether or not to add a thread seemed kind of anal, but I sure appreciate that now. Thanks to all who made this such a great board!
I'm getting verklempt, without alcohol even. And the psycho-kitty is crying for attention, so I'll post and run. Ta.