here is no "good" or "evil." It's merely those who are progressing on the road to enlightenment willingly and those who have, so far, refused it.
I'm waiting for the cast to break into that old Dave Mason song...
So let's leave it alone 'cause we can't see eye to eye.
There ain't no good guy, there ain't no bad guy,
There's only you and me and we just disagree.
Ooh-ooh-ooh, oh-oh-oh
I want them to take it back because I like Sawyer but couldn't stand Spike. Hee.
Me too. Well, I sort of liked him until everywhere, and I do mean everywhere, I went on the Internet there was Spike swooning. I got fed up.
I think Sawyer deserves a little swooning of his own, and not as a Spike copy-cat.
Yay for the Sawyer.
Cool points, SA. Good versus evil is not the only polarity that might divide the camps. Way cool.
Just wait, Gus. I'm all full of whacked out theories and philosophies. I'm brewing up a long, long post about various themes in Lost. I'll probably post it in my lj in the next couple days.
I like the theory too, Sail, but what do you see as Sun's, Jin's, and Hurley's calls? Sun's could be accepting her decision to stay with Jin, but I don't know what Jin's would be, and all Hurley said about going was "I go where the boar is."
Sun's could be accepting her decision to stay with Jin, but I don't know what Jin's would be, and all Hurley said about going was "I go where the boar is."
Think of the Call as the acceptance of a burden. Sun's burden is to bring Jin back to being a loving husband and not a mafioso. Jin's is to become what Sun needs him to be, a truly loving husband. We haven't seen Jin's story yet (if we do), only Sun's. Hurley...he's one of the travelling companions of the hero(s). Just like the Scoobies were Buffy's companions on her hero's journey after she fully accepted her call in "Prophecy Girl."
Hurley's burden is attempting to understand that all Asian people aren't Chinese.
Think of the Call as the acceptance of a burden.
Really liking this. I might phrase it a little differently, something involving "courage" and "convictions", but that is a quibble.
Hurley is Herald. He announces challenges.
Hurley is Herald. He announces challenges.
Not always. Who could forget Walt's immortal line, "The pregnant lady fell down!"?
Ok. Both camps have a herald, now.