I was surprised at how much I enjoyed I, Robot. (Also, Club Dread made me laugh so hard I almost peed. Didn't see that one coming. I've been meaning to see Super Troopers for months.)
When I was at the store picking up Angel S5, I just grabbed Empire Records and That Thing You Do- they were two of my college favorites and when I made the jump to DVD I somehow missed getting them. All is now as it should be.
I heart "That thing You Do!" not least because neither I nor my dad came out of it kvetching.
Beverly, I can't say for sure, having only seen the French language version, but I do remember hearing that they recut for the American release. Not sure what the changes were.
We got our (new! big!) TV yesterday and watched the new DVD version of
Empire Strikes Back
to break it in. Of the three, TESB has the fewest changes, and some were actually good. None (in this movie) were out-and-out bad. Anyway, that's not my topic. My topic is how much hanging out with you people has ruined me!!!! I swear to dog I saw the HoYay between Han and Luke.
So let's call that my biggest surprise.
Otherwise, I was expecting to either hate
or just feel that it was a waste of time, but I ended up liking it quite a bit.
There's a Wallace and Gromit movie coming out this fall! Wheee!!!
That's why Gromit sponsored the on-line video coverage of Westminster.
Have finally seen Velvet Goldmine. Man, there's a lot of pretty in that film. Pretty pretty pretty. My crush on Ewan McGregor remains at full strength, Toni Collette is fucking gorgeous, and I continue to think Christian Bale is Creepy McCreeperson. Also, Brian Molko is adorable.
Really, there's not much else to it, is there? But so pretty.
I continue to think Christian Bale is Creepy McCreeperson
That's gonna help with
That's gonna help with Batman.
Oh, definitely. I'm looking forward to that.
What? No mention of Jonathan Rhys-Myers? He's the one who really brings the pretty, in my opinion.
I may be old, but I'm not blind, and I'm on HRT so even though finding him aesthetically pleasing in every way makes me a bit of a chicken hawk, I don't freakin' care.
Mmmmm.....Jonathan Rhys-Meyers.....mmmmm......
Unfortunately, the DVD doesn't have any of the extra goodies I've come to need and cherish.
Oooh! And just looking over at IMDB, I see JRM is going to be in (apparently) a live version of The Last Unicorn (as Schmendrick). Yay!