It's just so... long.
Sin City is less doomed because the story is less... I don't know how to describe the difference, really, but I can see much easier things to cut from the overall Sin City story, which is why I've always been excited about it (and the trailers bear my excitement out.)
Watchmen, I fear, will be much like the last Alan Moore adaptation. And, really, I don't need another
especially when the comic of Watchmen is even
I dunno - Paul Greengrass is a serious chap, I can't see him just making a big fluffy blockbuster romp (and anway a big blockbuster romp of Watchmen already exists - The Incredibles). I can see how you'd strip it down to a decent movie.
Now that I've read this interview with Tilda Swinton I'm a lot more interested in Constantine. I may just have to view it with a Keanu-shaped cutout held in front of my face.
I'm actually more worried about the message they'll, well, remove, from the Watchmen movie. I mean, Moore's whole concept is very timely right now, but honestly won't play well with this administration and the folks who support it. I'm afraid they'll pull a Gate of Heaven (oh, yeah, we're making a movie about the Crusades, but the Christians are fighting out of love and honor).
OK, this post isn't really making sense, but while both Watchmen and V for Vendetta are topical again, I can't see the filmmakers having the balls to make the movies clearly and rousingly topical as well.
And Shaq will play Dr. Manhattan.
Ohpleasegodno. Raquel, don't make me cry. Dr. Manhattan is my favorite character.
My TiVo had downloaded a
promo, which looked wicked cool to this source-material-naive philistine. Is the dude supposed to be a Brit? Because everyone else in the movie seemed to be.
I'm rather fond of Keannu--he seems a swell guy and genuinely interested in pushing the boundary of his, I mean his craft, and pick interesting roles--I don't think he can convincingly bring the dark. Well, unless they're playing for camp.
I'll probably go see it anyway because... Tilda Swinton!
Yeah, I imagine Weisz will be good, Hounsou prettily disturbing, and Swinton positively electric. I love the idea of her and Christopher Walken having played the same character, with similar aims but polar opposite motivations for them.
That photo of Swinton accompanying the NYT article linked above was lovely. I mean, like she ever took a bad photo in her life, including during the parts of
The Deep End
where she was swimming in freezing water in granny underpants.
But that photo in particular showcased her hard beauty.
I've loved her ever since I first saw her in Orlando. Hell, I willingly paid to see a Leonardo DiCaprio movie because she was in it!
In other news, I just found out that she's going to be the White Witch in the film version of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.