I watched "Gangs of New York". Marty Scorsese owes me two and half hours of my life. Nothing says "streetwise" like Cameron Diaz.
I was able to overlook the suckitude of her, because DLL and (to a lesser extent) LDC were good enough. However, the ending of that movie sucked sucked sucked. Yes, yes, I know, it was realistic. It's not that it wasn't a happy ending, it's just that it had nothing to do with anything that had happened before. Not dramatically satisfying.
I didn't get that far.
Fuck it.
DDL was amazing, though, it's true. And I appreciated the detail and the street scenes. It's just the story lasted a week, I think. I hate being disappointed that much.
(I think y'all know that violence and a downbeat ending wouldn't stop me by now) Anne, thanks. Because she's good looking and has the bust for the naked scenes but you could believe she might've had to sleep in a doorway. That character was supposed to be tough. I know most people do not know who JS is, but people who loved "Something About Mary" and "The Mask" are not flocking to dark historical epics anyway, are they?
Actually, hey, wouldn't Terry O'Quinn make a good Dr. Manhattan? Or is he too short? He's bald enough.
It'd be funny if they got Johnny Depp to play Captain Jack Sparrow as the dude who gets stranded on the island of the dead folk. And by funny I mean it wouldn't work at all and they probably won't put that in the movie anyway.
I can think of how this could work, because I do love movies and I do love
but it's far, far easier to fuck it up, eh? Oh dear.
Benicio del Toro as Rorschach...could work.
Jack Black as the Comedian! I'm just making shit up now.
It's just so... long.
Sin City is less doomed because the story is less... I don't know how to describe the difference, really, but I can see much easier things to cut from the overall Sin City story, which is why I've always been excited about it (and the trailers bear my excitement out.)
Watchmen, I fear, will be much like the last Alan Moore adaptation. And, really, I don't need another
especially when the comic of Watchmen is even
I dunno - Paul Greengrass is a serious chap, I can't see him just making a big fluffy blockbuster romp (and anway a big blockbuster romp of Watchmen already exists - The Incredibles). I can see how you'd strip it down to a decent movie.
Now that I've read this interview with Tilda Swinton I'm a lot more interested in Constantine. I may just have to view it with a Keanu-shaped cutout held in front of my face.
I'm actually more worried about the message they'll, well, remove, from the Watchmen movie. I mean, Moore's whole concept is very timely right now, but honestly won't play well with this administration and the folks who support it. I'm afraid they'll pull a Gate of Heaven (oh, yeah, we're making a movie about the Crusades, but the Christians are fighting out of love and honor).
OK, this post isn't really making sense, but while both Watchmen and V for Vendetta are topical again, I can't see the filmmakers having the balls to make the movies clearly and rousingly topical as well.
And Shaq will play Dr. Manhattan.
Ohpleasegodno. Raquel, don't make me cry. Dr. Manhattan is my favorite character.