Who's playing Zaphod?
Sam Rockwell.
I can't find a good picture of Mos Def to articulate why he's a perfect Ford. But he is.
Martin Freeman will be Arthur, Bill Nighy, Slartibartfast, and Zooey Deschanel as Trillian.
I'm startled by how okay/happy I am with the casting of something that's lived in my head for more than half my life. First LotR, now this. Some casting directors are definitely earning their money. Shame about
Sweet! I love Sam Rockwell.
I really should bring one of my high school yearbooks in to work and scan in his little bitty baby freshman picture, shouldn't I?
JZ, dooooo eeeeeeet. (I think I did know that you'd gone to HS with him, but anyway, I'd forgotten, so: very cool!)
How can it be a spoiler to comment on whether a fundamental piece of a story has been abandoned for the movie version. Zaphod has two heads and if they've made him without two heads, then talking about it is no more a spoiler than calling Jackson a wanker for deleting Tom Bombadil from FotR, while adding lengthy scenes of Isengard/Saruman that didn't exist in the book.
True, although I have to take issue with your FOTR point - the idea of spending 45 minutes with that twathammer and his poxy doggerel sends shivers down my spine.
d'oh! Should've just edited, instead of deleting the double post.
True, although I have to take issue with your FOTR point - the idea of spending 45 minutes with that twathammer and his poxy doggerel sends shivers down my spine.
Fair enough. Don't know that I would've wanted to spend too long with a screen version of Tom myself. However, it would've been reasonable to have a reduced version of him in, so the hobbits' wraith knives/swords could be explained properly.
As for HHGttG: I can't see it being a particularly good version.
Oh, yeah, having the Old Forest and the Barrows would have rocked, just no Bombadillotry.