For Alibelle, from IMDB:
Universal is aiming at women ("Not everybody is watching the Super Bowl" Universal distribution chief Nikki Rocco told Daily Variety) with the romantic comedy The Wedding Date, in which Debra Messing plays a woman who hires a male escort (Dermot Mulroney) to pose as her boyfriend at a wedding party. Universal might have been well advised to withhold that film from critics as well. It was thoroughly drubbed by them today. Lou Lumenick in the New York Post described it as a "witless, stale and half-hearted rehash of clichés." Michael Wilmington in the Chicago Tribune calls it "a tossed bouquet full of dead flowers and bad jokes that belongs in the nearest trash receptacle." Female reviewers were no kinder. Carina Chocano in the Los Angeles Times concludes that it's "an oddly depressing, lost, little movie that eventually caves in on itself." And Elizabeth Weitzman in the New York Daily News figures that it "isn't bad enough to send you rushing back up the aisle, past the popcorn and into the winter weather. But once you've admired the expensive clothes, the beautiful couple and the pretty setting, you'll be more than ready to call it a night."