everytime I think I finally understand all the different permutations, something else comes along to confuse me and make my head hurt.
I think what blew my mind most when I got into real filmmaking is how unendingly technical it can be. Dizzying, really.
It's terrifying to me. There are things about my current job that I love, but in the back of my mind, I'm always aware that every day I'm not working as an editor, my technical skills are getting more and more outdated, and there is nothing I can do about it. (On the plus side, paycheck! Roof over my head! But still. GAH.)
Early reviews of Mirrormask and HGTTG.
(And to both of the HGTTG reviewers on AICN, I would just like to point out that changing the order of events when adapting this work is in fact not a travesty or betrayal of the original text, but rather, a time-honoured HGTTG adaptation tradition.)
The sperm whale's existential crisis via free-fall was great.
YES. I'm glad that's in the movie. I assume the bowl of petunias makes an appearance as well.
Jesus, I really have to finish reading that book.
It hasn't grabbed me as one of those books where I can't wait to get home from work so I can find out what happens.
It's not so much the what, with those books -- more the how. And sometimes the why.
Well, I'm fighting some low-grade Ick that does not want to go away, and I was planning on crawling back into bed right about now, so maybe I'll bring the book with me.