Early reviews of Mirrormask and HGTTG.
(And to both of the HGTTG reviewers on AICN, I would just like to point out that changing the order of events when adapting this work is in fact not a travesty or betrayal of the original text, but rather, a time-honoured HGTTG adaptation tradition.)
The sperm whale's existential crisis via free-fall was great.
YES. I'm glad that's in the movie. I assume the bowl of petunias makes an appearance as well.
Jesus, I really have to finish reading that book.
It hasn't grabbed me as one of those books where I can't wait to get home from work so I can find out what happens.
It's not so much the what, with those books -- more the how. And sometimes the why.
Well, I'm fighting some low-grade Ick that does not want to go away, and I was planning on crawling back into bed right about now, so maybe I'll bring the book with me.
Not a slacker. She sick. Maybe she's a slicker.