See, they start off by comparing it to The Sixth Sense and Crying Game.
I completely disagree. There's an element of "gotcha!" to both of those that's completely missing from Million Dollar Baby.
Or, you know, a plot point.
Right. It's a movie where events happen, some of which you might not see coming.
I haven't seen all of Sixth Sense and I didn't see The Crying Game until much later so I knew those twists going in. Same for The Usual Suspects. And I accidentally spoiled myself for the end of Hardcore Logo by reading fanfic. So, I'm trying to be good and go in unspoiled, just for the new experience.
I was spoiled for the ending early on-- people should know that writing something backward is just going to entice one to decipher the code!
Anyway, not a "this is what was going on all the time" thing like Shyamalan, but certainly not expected from the trailers.
One hint: When was the last time Hilary Swank played a female character, people?!
The Affair of the Necklace.
The Next Karate Kid.
Although, Jesse, that's what I would have guessed the Big Thing was, though I didn't know there was a Big Thing.
Please note: My post above was a joke, and should have no impact on what you might think the "twist" is or is not.
I think someone actually posted the surprise in white-font here before.
Reading that article makes me feel like I missed something. Weird. I did feel bad telling a friend about it on the train the other day, because I didn't want to spoil innocent eavesdroppers.
Also related to that movie, I am tired of seeing movies that aren't R-rated. No one says "fuck" in a boxing gym? Uh-huh. Same thing with In Good Company -- I swear they re-looped "frigging" over a "fucking" in one scene. These are movies for adults! Go for the R! Fuck, man.
I did feel bad telling a friend about it on the train the other day, because I didn't want to spoil innocent eavesdroppers.
Heh. Some idiot spoiled
for me in Spanish class.
One hint: When was the last time Hilary Swank played a female character, people?!
? Does Clint Eastwood want her yellow leather jacket?