Man, Kate. You're lucky I didn't know that until now, cause I would have totally acted all resentful and bitter toward you in New York. And maybe sent you off on the wrong subway.
Pfft. Your resentment does not faze me. Besides, then you never would have met my Zambian arch-nemesis.
I've seen it a few times, and still hate Andie MacDowell too much to call the film great. It's entertaining, and Bill Murray is fantastic, but she's just...ugh.
Or, you know, What Jessica Said.
Top 5 Bill Murray performances?
- Groundhog Day
- Rushmore (which I really need to get on DVD, now that I think about it.)
- Ghostbusters (You know that line where he says, "Nothing human could stack books that way?" Ad lib.)
- Caddyshack
- Little Shop of Horrors
This is, of course, assuming that we're not including his SNL work.
Quick! Your top five favorite Bill Murray performances.
1. Lost in Translation
2. Royal Tennenbaums
3. Ghostbusters
4. Quick Change
5. (Tie) What About Bob/Meatballs/Caddyshack
Apparently I like Steve Martin movies, because "L.A. Story" and "Roxanne" were great. I didn't even mind "Father of the Bride."
I also loved "Splash."
I just saw "Hotel Rwanda" in class. I think I need a hug.
Hugs Alibelle.
Steals her pink ipod while she is distracted by the hug.
We've wandered from cheesy movies to pretty darn good movies, but I'd like to mention one for the cheesy title: Eddie and the Cruisers. Something about it--the sequel was a horrid misbegotten waste of film, but the first one was just about perfect, for what it was. And the cast--Barkin, Berringer, Joey Pants, and one or the other of the Laurance twins.
And we just watched Streets of Fire tonight. Fun! I was so disillusioned to find out the Sorels didn't really sing their song.
Eddie and the Cruisers and Streets of Fire were both early faves for me. I'm a sucker for a rock n' roll fable.