I think I mentioned To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar up above. I love that movie beyond all reason despite its being painfully bad. (Also, after talking about it yesterday I saw I Love the 90s last night and they had clips, with everyone talking about how ugly a woman Snipes made!)
I think O. C. and Stiggs is probably the worst movie Altman ever made, but I enjoy it much more than his better works.
I have to watch "Turner and Hooch" every time I flip past it. Can't not watch (and enjoy) it.
It's terrible, but both the dog and Tom Hanks are adorable in it.
What movies can you absolutely make zero case for as good movies, but are absolutely enthralled with?
Dune. I can't help it, I just love it, in all it's ginormously crappy glory.
(Of course, me being the argumentative brat that I am, I could probably try to make a case for almost anything I enjoyed. But there are a few cases where I'm at least aware that my argument really boils down to "Because I liked it SO THERE." I suppose I'd have to include Matrix Revolutions in that category.)
I think O. C. and Stiggs is probably the worst movie Altman ever made, but I enjoy it much more than his better works.
I haven't seen it, but I have a hard time believing it was worse than Popeye.
But the grand champion has to be Flash Gordon.
There is NO EXCUSE for that movie, and God, how I love it.
What movies can you absolutely make zero case for as good movies, but are absolutely enthralled with?
Most of mine are baddies that I loved as a child.
Grease 2
(I want a cooooool rider!),
Clash of the Titans, Pollyanna,
Flash Gordon
Dune. I can't help it, I just love it, in all it's ginormously crappy glory.
I'm with you here (
idly wonders if he still has the info sheet that was handed out to help people know what was going on
I haven't seen it, but I have a hard time believing it was worse than Popeye.
...and now you lose me. I adore POPEYE, and wouldn't even hesitate to defend it, although I'd probably do a crappy job if I tried.
"He's Laaaarge!"
In Shelley Duvall's nonexistent voice.
I haven't seen it, but I have a hard time believing it was worse than Popeye.
I don't know. Popeye at least had a purpose, as well as the most perfect example of casting in the history of cinema. O. C. and Stiggs was kind of pointless. It's basically David Lean's Porky's IV.