I loved the Abyss. It solidified my huge crush on Ed Harris. It has the fabulous scene in the pod with one wetsuit and two people, and the CPR scene, and Bud fishing his wedding ring out of the toilet and going around the rest of the movie with a blue hand, and Michael Biehn going bugfuck crazy. And Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio as a smart, very tough cookie. (Even if she does end up the Angsty Woman at the end.)
(And yes, Farscape stole liberally from this for The Flax, but I don't care. Besides, they swapped the roles, which made it cooler.)
I usually try to forget the last twenty minutes of the movie ever happened. Except for Bud going down, down, down... that's pretty cool.
I saw some movies on the plane. I,Robot wasn't too bad. About what you'd expect.
Catwoman was terribly awful, as you'd expect.
The airline trapped you in an enclosed space with no exit and made you watch Catwoman?!? Dude, I'd be hiring a lawyer, that HAS to violate something in the Geneva Convention.
Snerk! Betsy, that's all I kept saying during the scene -- "Ow, ow, ow."
Man, you think beard abrasions are bad...
so what were the filmmakers supposed to do?
Exactly. The fact that the movie got made at all amazes me (Don Cheadle on the Daily Show talked about how he probably wasn't going to get the role and Will Smith was because the director had been trying to get it made for 10 years and was going to do anything to get it made.)
that the actress who played Igrayne was the director John Boorman's daughter
His wife, so still a little on the creepy side, but a little less parentally so.
For true bug fuck creepiness, you need to see the movies that Dario Argento did with Asia. Yikes. Stendahl Syndrome is the only good one of the three, but also the most skeevy to watch. Actually now that I think about it, she was in four, but in PHENOMENA (aka CREEPERS) she was in mutant child makeup so I'm not sure it counts, although it is creepy (and what happens to his other daughter Fiore, and Daria Nioclodi, the mother of Asia, in that movie is pretty nasty too).
Am watching Stargate (the original movie). How much was the series based on the movie?
Very, as things go, tommyrot. A couple of the movie actors reprise their roles (Skaara and the Abydos patriarch).
Is the series good?
Damn, I just was thinking how much TV scifi I haven't watched....
Tommyrot, the series isn't brilliant television. It is, however, entertaining television. You won't find Buffy-caliber character development or plot twists. What you will find is some entertaining and likable characters, a really cool premise, some snark, and a lot of explosions.
If you want more information, try Katie's Stargate Primer here:
[link] ,
which was just linked to by the Chicago Tribune, of all places. Our Katie is famous! It's a really funny overview of the show.