It's funny how Colin's persona often overshadows the fact that he really is an excellent actor.
I haven't been to the movies in forever. I want to go. I have plans to see a double feature of
In Good Company
with my best friend when I get back to LA, but she has a tendency to flake. Which kind of bites. I wish my mom was feeling up to a movie, but the weather is making her feel like never leaving the house, ever. Which is understandable, really. And yet... I want to go see a movie.
Go by yourself - it is the sign of a self-confident person that he or she can attend a movie by his/herself.
I've done it many times and never felt like a loser. At all.
I adore going to the movies by myself. I can slouch down in my seat and cackle to myself at obscure bits only I think are funny or sigh foolishly without anyone asking why.
Going to the movies with friends is fun, but I love to go alone too, and I find I usually get more out of a movie if I see it by myself.
I love seeing cheesy movies by myself, because I can just love them and not worry if the other person thinks they suck.
I used to go to movies by myself all the time. Now I have limited time and cash for movies and limited time to hang with friends, so I combine the two a lot more. But I sometimes feel I can lose myself in a movie more effectively when I'm by myself than when I'm sitting next to Buddy A or Friend B. In the latter cases there's always a little part of me aware of their reactions to the movie.
Or you could go with me, Alibelle.
Er. My post now seems to me a little more snarky than I had intended.
My first viewing of a movie by myself (VoaMbM) happened accidentally, when a bunch of friends and I went to see La Femme Nikita at the Beverly Center (had a friend who worked there, got in free), and they decided to see something else when it was discovered there would be subtitles.
I clealy needed a better class of friend. ;-D (I love to read movies, which is why subtitles on DVDs is such a big selling point for me.)
Anyway. I decided I wanted to see La Femme Nikita more than I wanted to watch a movie with my friends. I'm glad I did it, and have since enjoyed many movies all on my own.
Connie Neil:
I adore going to the movies by myself. I can slouch down in my seat and cackle to myself at obscure bits only I think are funny or sigh foolishly without anyone asking why.
Exactly. Also, if it's a tear-jerker, I'm free to (quietly) sob without feeling like the total and utter sap that I am. ;-D
Since I'm married, and my husband and I are actually joined at the hip, watching movies alone (in a theater, anyway) is a bit of a thing of the past. But, since Gandalfe is very patient with me and only makes mild fun of my tendency to bawl in the theater, it's not such a hardship. We went to see John Waters' A Dirty Shame at the Tower (here in SLC), and I was the only female in an audience of about ten (including G. and myself). At more than one point, we were the only two laughing uproariously. I don't know what that says about us, but I'm sure it says
something. After the flick, the entire audience (heh) was outside, walking to cars and so forth, and the group of guys who clearly came together started doing things to a tree that had been highlighted in the film. As I walked by, they turned and looked, and one shamefacedly pulled his hand out of the knothole. I just grinned and moved along.
It's moments like that that make me feel superior about being female.....
I love seeing cheesy movies by myself, because I can just love them and not worry if the other person thinks they suck.
I'm totally the opposite. I like to see cheesy movies with other people. I think I'm a little embarrassed to see them alone.
at the Tower (here in SLC)
Salt Lake!! I'm in Provo!