Maybe it's just me, but after the trailer for Kingdom of Heaven I'm a bit torn. On the one hand it looks to be a really good flick, as far as action and drama and whathaveyou. On the other hand, is anyone else tired of the veneer of modern sensibilities people like to put on their period pieces? A movie about the Crusades where the fighting is for "love instead of hate" etc, with no mention of "kill the filthy heathens"? I'm sorry, but if you're a Crusader who's doing the doe-eyed Orlando Bloom thing in the real world, you probably get the medieval equivalent of a wedgie from your fellows every day. Should we really be trying to inject even a little honor into the Crusades, one of the most awful things Christianity ever undertook?
This was most assuredly low blood sugar talking. I haven't eaten yet today. Time to grab some pizza and be less critical of life.
Should we really be trying to inject even a little honor into the Crusades, one of the most awful things Christianity ever undertook?
Seriously. Anyone who does so should be forced to run the entirety of Terry Jones' THE CRUSADES series beforehand.
It's a shame you can't go to the real movies with two robot side-kicks.
That would be so awesome. I should totally get robot sidekicks. To go with my guard llama.
They can all hang out with my monkey butler.
To go with my guard llama.
So would the guard llama run the higher functions of the ship?
t /MSTgeek
(edited to provide context)
Seriously. Anyone who does so should be forced to run the entirety of Terry Jones' THE CRUSADES series beforehand
Or at least read some history, 'cause, ew.
I confess, I watch "Blues Brothers" for the epic car chase.
Honestly, that and the music are the best reasons.
There are so many great lines from BB, and the music scenes cannot be beat. I think my favorite is Ray Charles doing "Land of a Thousand Dances," with Aretha belting out "Think" as a close second.
"Oh, we have both kinds of music--Country and Western!"
"We're on a mission from God."
Favorite t-shirt of Mormon missionaries everywhere.
"Oh, we have both kinds of music--Country and Western!"
"Rawhide" is another stellar moment.