I confess, I watch "Blues Brothers" for the epic car chase.
Honestly, that and the music are the best reasons.
There are so many great lines from BB, and the music scenes cannot be beat. I think my favorite is Ray Charles doing "Land of a Thousand Dances," with Aretha belting out "Think" as a close second.
"Oh, we have both kinds of music--Country and Western!"
"We're on a mission from God."
Favorite t-shirt of Mormon missionaries everywhere.
"Oh, we have both kinds of music--Country and Western!"
"Rawhide" is another stellar moment.
That was our (Catholic) high school homecoming motto my freshman year (fall 1980).
I think my favorite is Ray Charles doing "Land of a Thousand Dances,"
I think he does "Shake A Tail Feather."
During the making of the movie, John Belushi threw a party for all the musicians. He put on an Otis Redding record and Steve Cropper and Duck Dunn (part of Otis' backing band. Cropper was also his song-writing partner) looked over at each other, absolutely stricken. Belushi ran over, worried, and asked what was wrong. They said they hadn't listened to Otis since he died. It was too painful.
I had to change my tagline.
Also love Cab Calloway doing "Minnie the Moocher".
Oops, you're right, Hec, it is "Shake a Tail Feather." I got the listing of dances at the end confused with the other song. Still, I love the dancing in the streets of Calumet City.
Seeing Ackroyd thin ... and wondering how many cigarettes he was smoking and how many drugs he was doing to stay that way ...
All of which makes me so very sad "Blues Brothers 2000" ever got made. The case might as well have just lined up and relieved themselves on Belushi's grave and saved money.
And the deadpan performances from both him and Belushi. I loved how straightforward they were when anything strange happened, such as a rocket launcher taking out the SRO building they were staying in.
Speaking of, "Hey, boy, did you get me my Cheese Whiz?" I always imagined that he picked it up at the Jewel during the mall chase scene.