I haven't seen Lemony Snicket (I didn't like the books, so seeing it on film is kind of a non-starter of an idea), but I have seen Carrey be quite good, in Eternal Sunshine and The Truman Show and Man on the Moon and the less extreme parts of Liar Liar. And I loved Doing Time on Maple Drive, which is a TV movie he made when he was the white guy from In Living Color, though I'm not sure how that performance would stand up were I to see it now. I'm kind of sorrry to hear he doesn't work in Lemony Snicket.
And I saw Closer yesterday, which was a very good movie. It pains me to say this, but I thought Portman was the weak link in the cast, probably because she has a decade's less experience. Clive Owens, Jude Law and, oddly enough, Julia Roberts are excellent.
While I understand the personality-based Julia hate, I've always thought her to be a talented actress. She just usually take the easy route and plays her stock character.
Village Voice Top Film Performances of 2004
Village Voice Top Films of 2004
I'm surprised at their top pick. I knew it was well reviewed, but they're usually plumping for some obscure Korean film that never plays outside of Manhattan.
Vera Drake hasn't exactly taken over the multiplexes in the heartland, bucko. Remember you live in the capital of Liberal Artisiania.
Vera Drake hasn't exactly taken over the multiplexes in the heartland, bucko. Remember you live in the capital of Liberal Artisiania.
I was mostly surprised that
Before Sunset
won top honors.
Vera Drake
was way too grim a prospect for me to spend my money viewing it.
I am more curious about
now, however.
Wow. Pretty much every review of
I read had trashed it. And I hadn't even heard of
Goodbye Dragon Inn.
Surprised to see
Before Sunset
on top, much as I loved the movie. And I saw The Life Aquatic... this week and thought it was an ungodly mess, with Bill Murray pretty much phoning in his performance. Differetn strokes, I guess.
Skimming Defamer.com, I came upon this HORRIFIC review of Sphere.
The language isn't work safe, but since it's a scan of an article, it shouldn't set off filters.
Bill Murray pretty much phoning in his performance.
While I still haven't seen Life Aquatic, this is the third time Murray has worked with Wes Anderson, and I'm sure they have quite a rapport, and one that doesn't seem to allow for Murray to phone it in.
I suspect that it was a deliberate direction from Anderson to Murray to play it the way he played it.
But again, I haven't seen it, so I can't comment authoritatively.
On the other hand, Barry Levinson and Paul Attanasio? I didn't even realize these two were involved in this stinker. Timmy would totally cry and Frank would have another stroke.
Carrey is vile.
I'm not anti-Carrey, but just watching the previews I found myself wondering why Carrey and not Ian McKellan, who could've really eaten up the role.