I believe he became a Lord the same way Lawrence Olivier became a Lord--the Queen and her minions said, "Nope, he needs more than just Sir Andrew. Slap a Lordship on that man." Then Her Majesty smacked him around with a sword and that was that.
So, she did it mostly to have a chance to smack him with a sword again...
This one's for Evita... <SMACK!> This one's for Phantom... <SMACK!> This one's for... No. Wait. We quite liked Superstar... However, we were not amused by Cats... <SMACK!>
I thought to be a Lord you had to have big... tracts of land.
OK, I really didn't think that; I just wanted to do a Monty Python and the Holy Grail quote.
Can't help it. Still going to see the damn thing tonight. I can't stop myself! And I'm actually excited about it! It's like I'm a 14-year-old all over again!
I actually liked the musical when I saw it 12 or so years ago, though I have no desire to see the movie.
Can't help it. Still going to see the damn thing tonight. I can't stop myself! And I'm actually excited about it! It's like I'm a 14-year-old all over again!
Oh, the bad reviews haven't made a dent in my urge to see it. I'm *hoping* it will be a gloriously cheesy, over-the-top trainwreck. With gorgeous costumes.
I sit next to Jilli. You couldn't keep me away from this one with a gilded elephant.
Oh, the bad reviews haven't made a dent in my urge to see it. I'm *hoping* it will be a gloriously cheesy, over-the-top trainwreck. With gorgeous costumes.
Well, it's Schumacher so I expect the Phantom to have fake nipples and an exagerated codpiece. Anything less would be a disappointment on the cheese front.
I heard the guy playing the Phantom is, like, really hawt.
This is so beside the point. I mean, the Phantom is supposed to be hot and disturbing, not just vanilla hot. And apparently they wimped out big-time on the repulsive makeup.